30 October, 2022

Instance Parameters for Pluggable Databases

Post Published 30-October-2022

UPDATE on 13-March-2024 :  For more information see Oracle Support Document "Initialization parameters in a Multitenant database - Facts and additional information (Doc ID 2101596.1)"

Since 12c Oracle has permitted Pluggable Databases with the MultiTenant Architecture. Normally, instance parameters (those in the init<SID>.ora or spfile<SID>.ora) apply to the whole Instance -- thus to all the Pluggable Databases.

However, certain parameters can be changed at the PDB (Pluggable Database) level.

Oracle stores the values for these changed parameters in the PDB_SPFILE$ table in the Root Container.

Here is a simple demonstration (in 19c) :

-- connect to the root and check certain parameter
SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL> show parameter optimizer_features_enable

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
optimizer_features_enable            string      19.1.0
SQL> show parameter sort_area_size

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
sort_area_size                       integer     65536
SQL> show parameter workarea_size_policy

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
workarea_size_policy                 string      AUTO

-- override them at the PDB level for ORCLPDB1
SQL> alter session set container=ORCLPDB1;

Session altered.

SQL> alter system set optimizer_features_enable='';

System altered.

SQL> alter system set sort_area_size=10485760;
alter system set sort_area_size=10485760
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02096: specified initialization parameter is not modifiable with this option

SQL> -- note that changing S_A_S has to be done as "DEFERRED" to apply to subsequent sessions
SQL> alter system set sort_area_size=10485760 deferred;

System altered.

SQL> alter system set workarea_size_policy='MANUAL';

System altered.

SQL> show parameter optimizer_features_enable;

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
optimizer_features_enable            string
SQL> show parameter workarea_size_policy;

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
workarea_size_policy                 string      MANUAL

-- connect to the PDB and verify that they have changed for the user session
SQL> connect hemant/hemant@orclpdb1
ORA-28002: the password will expire within 7 days

SQL> show parameter optimizer_features_enable

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
optimizer_features_enable            string
SQL> show parameter sort_area_size

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
sort_area_size                       integer     10485760
SQL> show parameter workarea_size_policy

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
workarea_size_policy                 string      MANUAL

-- return to the root CDB and check that it retains the old (default) values
SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL> show parameter optimizer_features_enable

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
optimizer_features_enable            string      19.1.0
SQL> show parameter sort_area_size

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
sort_area_size                       integer     65536
SQL> show parameter workarea_size_policy

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
workarea_size_policy                 string      AUTO

-- identify from the CDB where the overriding values are
SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL> get show_orclpdb1_params.sql
  1  select  pdb.dbid, pdb.con_uid, sp.name, sp.value$
  2  from v$pdbs pdb, pdb_spfile$ sp
  3  where pdb.name = 'ORCLPDB1'
  4  and pdb.con_uid=sp.pdb_uid
  5* order by sp.name
SQL> /

      DBID    CON_UID NAME                                     VALUE$
---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
4057974068 4057974068 deferred_segment_creation                FALSE
4057974068 4057974068 nls_date_format                          ''
4057974068 4057974068 optimizer_features_enable                ''
4057974068 4057974068 sort_area_size                           10485760
4057974068 4057974068 workarea_size_policy                     'MANUAL'


(The two parameters "deferred_segment_creation" and "nls_date_format") are in my YouTube demonstration).

Thus, we can see that Oracle stores PDB parameters in a table called PDB_SPFILE$ in the Root Container.
These will apply whenever the Pluggable Database is re-opened -- and thus override the parameters for the Root that are from the Server Parameter File (spfile<SID>.ora)

I have presented a short Video Demonstration as well on YouTube.


07 September, 2022

SCN Synchronization when using a Database Link

 In my previous blog post about querying across a Database Link, I had stated "when running a query (just a SELECT statement) requires the two databases to synchronise SCN.  Whichever is the database with the lower SCN has to increment its SCN to the other database's (higher) SCN "

Here is a quick demonstration :

-- First I verify the current SCN in two databases "ORCLCDB" and "CDB2"
ORCLCDB SQL>select name, systimestamp, current_scn from v$database;

NAME      SYSTIMESTAMP                         CURRENT_SCN
--------- ------------------------------------ -----------
ORCLCDB   07-SEP-22 PM +08:00     19617903


NAME      SYSTIMESTAMP                         CURRENT_SCN
--------- ------------------------------------ -----------
CDB2      07-SEP-22 PM +08:00     18562711

-- there is a wide gap between the two -- with ORCLCDB being ahead by approximately 1million

-- now I connect a client to a PDB in ORCLCDB
-- and run a SELECT query that queries across a DBLink a table in a PDB in CDB2
-- this query is NOT a user transaction, only a SELECT statement
SQL> connect hemant/hemant@orclpdb1
SQL> set time on
22:11:33 SQL>
22:11:48 SQL> select count(*) from tmp_data@pdbtmp_data;


22:12:05 SQL>

-- Now I check the SCNs in the two databases
ORCLCDB SQL>select name, systimestamp, current_scn from v$database;

NAME      SYSTIMESTAMP                         CURRENT_SCN
--------- ------------------------------------ -----------
ORCLCDB   07-SEP-22 PM +08:00     19620089


CDB2 SQL>select name, systimestamp, current_scn from v$database;

NAME      SYSTIMESTAMP                         CURRENT_SCN
--------- ------------------------------------ -----------
CDB2      07-SEP-22 PM +08:00     19620089

-- I can see that CDB2's SCN has "mysteriously" caught up with ORCLCDB 
-- in fact they are exactly the same
-- in the real world there would still be some difference by the time I query again
-- because other transactions in either or both the databases would have incremented the SCN(s)

-- now I disconnect from the client
-- this *closes* the database link
22:12:58 SQL> disconnect
Disconnected from Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production

-- and reconnect to the client
22:13:04 SQL> connect hemant/hemant@orclpdb1
22:13:14 SQL>

-- I compare the SCNs in the two databases
ORCLCDB SQL>select name, systimestamp, current_scn from v$database;

NAME      SYSTIMESTAMP                         CURRENT_SCN
--------- ------------------------------------ -----------
ORCLCDB   07-SEP-22 PM +08:00     19620223


CDB2 SQL>select name, systimestamp, current_scn from v$database;

NAME      SYSTIMESTAMP                         CURRENT_SCN
--------- ------------------------------------ -----------
CDB2      07-SEP-22 PM +08:00     19620229

-- the gap is very small
-- in fact some internal operations in CDB2 have slightly incremented it ahead

-- I run a PLSQL procedure in my client that does 1million COMMITs in the PDB
-- to increase the SCN only in ORCLCDB
22:14:06 SQL> execute onemillioncommits;

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

22:15:03 SQL>
22:15:07 SQL>

-- I now compare the two SCNs
ORCLCDB SQL>select name, systimestamp, current_scn from v$database;

NAME      SYSTIMESTAMP                         CURRENT_SCN
--------- ------------------------------------ -----------
ORCLCDB   07-SEP-22 PM +08:00     20654338

CDB2 SQL>select name, systimestamp, current_scn from v$database;

NAME      SYSTIMESTAMP                         CURRENT_SCN
--------- ------------------------------------ -----------
CDB2      07-SEP-22 PM +08:00     19620296

-- and find that there is again a huge gap between the two databases, with ORCLCDB ahead again

-- I query across the Database Link again from my client session
22:15:46 SQL>  select count(*) from tmp_data@pdbtmp_data;


22:15:50 SQL>

-- and now compare the two SCNs
ORCLCDB SQL>select name, systimestamp, current_scn from v$database;
NAME      SYSTIMESTAMP                         CURRENT_SCN
--------- ------------------------------------ -----------
ORCLCDB   07-SEP-22 PM +08:00     20654373

CDB2 SQL>select name, systimestamp, current_scn from v$database;

NAME      SYSTIMESTAMP                         CURRENT_SCN
--------- ------------------------------------ -----------
CDB2      07-SEP-22 PM +08:00     20654453

-- now the gap is very small
-- some other operations in ORCLCDB have already incremented the SCN after the query

So, simply running a SELECT statement (not even a User-Initiated COMMIT causes the two databases to synchronise SCNs.  The database with the lower SCN "inherits" the higher SCN.

So, the next time you see database SCNs mysteriously jump (e.g. in V$DATABASE.CURRENT_SCN  or in V$ARCHIVED_LOG.FIRST_CHANGE#  or in V$DATAFILE.CHECKPOINT_SCN) very significantly, check to see if you have queries to/from the database that use one or more Database Links.

23 August, 2022

Querying across a Database Link

 In this demonstration, assume that I have a local table called "TARGET_DATA" with a list of Countries and Products.  A new company is being acquired and that organisations's product list has been loaded into a table called TMP_DATA in a different database PDBTMP.

So, I run a MINUS query to find the local products that are not in the new company's product list -- but this query is run across a Database Link.

Here is how I create the Database Link, run the MINUS query and then obtain a tkprof of the trace file generated for the query.

SQL> create database link pdbtmp_data
  2  connect to data_load identified by data_load using 'pdbtmp';

Database link created.

SQL> alter session set tracefile_identifier='MY_DBLINK_QRY';

Session altered.

SQL> alter session set statistics_level='ALL';

Session altered.

SQL> exec dbms_session.session_trace_enable(waits=>TRUE,binds=>FALSE);

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> select * from target_data
  2  minus
  3  select * from tmp_data@pdbtmp_data
  4  /


600 rows selected.

SQL> select 'x' from dual;


SQL> show array
arraysize 15
SQL> quit
Disconnected from Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production

-- tkprof of the trace file

select * from target_data
select * from tmp_data@pdbtmp_data

call     count       cpu    elapsed       disk      query    current        rows
------- ------  -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ----------
Parse        1      0.02       0.24          0          0          1           0
Execute      1      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
Fetch       41      0.17       0.30        453        455          0         600
------- ------  -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ----------
total       43      0.19       0.55        453        455          1         600

Misses in library cache during parse: 1
Optimizer mode: ALL_ROWS
Parsing user id: 106
Number of plan statistics captured: 1

Rows (1st) Rows (avg) Rows (max)  Row Source Operation
---------- ---------- ----------  ---------------------------------------------------
       600        600        600  MINUS  (cr=455 pr=453 pw=0 time=306868 us starts=1)
     71682      71682      71682   SORT UNIQUE (cr=455 pr=453 pw=0 time=142899 us starts=1 cost=872 size=2876679 card=73761)
     73761      73761      73761    TABLE ACCESS FULL TARGET_DATA (cr=455 pr=453 pw=0 time=80877 us starts=1 cost=130 size=2876679 card=73761)
     71143      71143      71143   SORT UNIQUE (cr=0 pr=0 pw=0 time=148559 us starts=1 cost=831 size=2927240 card=73181)
     73181      73181      73181    REMOTE  TMP_DATA (cr=0 pr=0 pw=0 time=96385 us starts=1 cost=80 size=2927240 card=73181)

Elapsed times include waiting on following events:
  Event waited on                             Times   Max. Wait  Total Waited
  ----------------------------------------   Waited  ----------  ------------
  PGA memory operation                          135        0.00          0.00
  SQL*Net message to client                      41        0.00          0.00
  Disk file operations I/O                        1        0.00          0.00
  db file sequential read                         1        0.00          0.00
  db file scattered read                         21        0.00          0.04
  SQL*Net message to dblink                       4        0.00          0.00
  SQL*Net message from dblink                     4        0.00          0.00
  SQL*Net more data from dblink                 352        0.01          0.05
  SQL*Net message from client                    41        8.84          8.89
SQL ID: 04vfkrajpkrnj Plan Hash: 1388734953

select 'x'

call     count       cpu    elapsed       disk      query    current        rows
------- ------  -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ----------
Parse        1      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
Execute      1      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
Fetch        2      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           1
------- ------  -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ----------
total        4      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           1

Misses in library cache during parse: 1
Optimizer mode: ALL_ROWS
Parsing user id: 106
Number of plan statistics captured: 1

Rows (1st) Rows (avg) Rows (max)  Row Source Operation
---------- ---------- ----------  ---------------------------------------------------
         1          1          1  FAST DUAL  (cr=0 pr=0 pw=0 time=1 us starts=1 cost=2 size=0 card=1)

Elapsed times include waiting on following events:
  Event waited on                             Times   Max. Wait  Total Waited
  ----------------------------------------   Waited  ----------  ------------
  SQL*Net message to client                       2        0.00          0.00
  SQL*Net message from client                     2       11.31         11.31



call     count       cpu    elapsed       disk      query    current        rows
------- ------  -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ----------
Parse        2      0.02       0.24          0          0          1           0
Execute      3      0.01       0.01          0        676          0           1
Fetch       43      0.17       0.30        453        455          0         601
------- ------  -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ----------
total       48      0.20       0.56        453       1131          1         602

Misses in library cache during parse: 2
Misses in library cache during execute: 1

Elapsed times include waiting on following events:
  Event waited on                             Times   Max. Wait  Total Waited
  ----------------------------------------   Waited  ----------  ------------
  PGA memory operation                          137        0.00          0.00
  SQL*Net message to client                      44        0.00          0.00
  SQL*Net message from client                    44       16.85         37.06
  db file sequential read                         1        0.00          0.00
  single-task message                             1        0.02          0.02
  SQL*Net message from dblink                    15        0.05          0.15
  SQL*Net message to dblink                      14        0.00          0.00
  Disk file operations I/O                        1        0.00          0.00
  db file scattered read                         21        0.00          0.04
  SQL*Net more data from dblink                 352        0.01          0.05

The query returns 600 rows but with an ARRAYSIZE of 15 for the sqlplus session, it results in 40 round trips (SQL*Net message to/from client)  (plus 1 additional for the parse) resulting a total of 41 SQL*Net messages.
However, the 73,181 rows from the remote database (PDBTMP) appear as 4 DBLink messages (SQL*Net message to/from dblink) and 352 "more data from dblink" waits.  So, there were many more network packets from PDBTMP to my local database.
But the total count of dblink messages is 15 (from dblink) and 14 (to dblink) -- an excess of about 11 over the initial 4.  Which means that there were some additional "chatty" interaction between my local database session and the one created in PDBTMP.

I also trace the session that is created by the Database Link operation in PDBTMP.  The tkprof for the trace file of that session is below :

SQL ID: bv2zwsyu4hq3k Plan Hash: 0

SELECT /*+ FULL(P) +*/ *

call     count       cpu    elapsed       disk      query    current        rows
------- ------  -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ----------
Parse        1      0.04       0.05          4        101          0           0
Execute      0      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
Fetch        0      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
------- ------  -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ----------
total        1      0.04       0.05          4        101          0           0

Misses in library cache during parse: 1
Optimizer mode: ALL_ROWS
Parsing user id: 109

Elapsed times include waiting on following events:
  Event waited on                             Times   Max. Wait  Total Waited
  ----------------------------------------   Waited  ----------  ------------
  SQL*Net message to client                       2        0.00          0.00
  SQL*Net message from client                     2        0.14          0.14
SQL ID: 33v4pbtw6zjxt Plan Hash: 3633341221


call     count       cpu    elapsed       disk      query    current        rows
------- ------  -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ----------
Parse        1      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
Execute      1      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
Fetch        4      0.05       0.08        450        455          0       73181
------- ------  -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ----------
total        6      0.05       0.08        450        455          0       73181

Misses in library cache during parse: 1
Optimizer mode: ALL_ROWS
Parsing user id: 109
Number of plan statistics captured: 1

Rows (1st) Rows (avg) Rows (max)  Row Source Operation
---------- ---------- ----------  ---------------------------------------------------
     73181      73181      73181  TABLE ACCESS FULL TMP_DATA (cr=455 pr=450 pw=0 time=66315 us starts=1 cost=124 size=2927240 card=73181)

Elapsed times include waiting on following events:
  Event waited on                             Times   Max. Wait  Total Waited
  ----------------------------------------   Waited  ----------  ------------
  SQL*Net message to client                       4        0.00          0.00
  db file sequential read                         1        0.00          0.00
  db file scattered read                         19        0.00          0.03
  SQL*Net message from client                     4       20.26         20.31
  SQL*Net more data to client                   352        0.00          0.00



call     count       cpu    elapsed       disk      query    current        rows
------- ------  -------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------  ----------
Parse        2      0.04       0.05          4        101          0           0
Execute      1      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
Fetch        4      0.05       0.08        450        455          0       73181
------- ------  -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ----------
total        7      0.09       0.13        454        556          0       73181

Misses in library cache during parse: 2

Elapsed times include waiting on following events:
  Event waited on                             Times   Max. Wait  Total Waited
  ----------------------------------------   Waited  ----------  ------------
  PGA memory operation                            1        0.00          0.00
  log file sync                                   1        0.00          0.00
  SQL*Net message to client                      11        0.00          0.00
  SQL*Net message from client                    11       20.26         20.47
  db file sequential read                         1        0.00          0.00
  db file scattered read                         19        0.00          0.03
  SQL*Net more data to client                   352        0.00          0.00

Note how the "select * from tmp_data" portion passed to PDBTMP is rewritten as 
SELECT /*+ FULL(P) +*/ *
- and then as 

The remote database also shows that it sent 4 messages to/from "client" (in this case the client was my database session in my local database, not the sqlplus program) and 352 "more data" packets.  These numbers match what we see in the local trace file.
However, this also shows an additional 11 messages to/from "client".
There are some additional lines in the raw trace file which indicate what these overheads are.

One of them is for the logon trigger in PDBTMP that I have created to ensure that the DBLink connection generates a trace file.
The others are for recursive parse and other calls in PDBTMP (where parse success is sent to my "client" session in my local database).  Calls like :
select decode(upper(failover_method), NULL, 0 , 'BASIC', 1, 'PRECONNECT', 2 , 'PREPARSE', 4 , 0), decode(upper(failover_type), NULL, 1,  'NONE', 1, 'SESSION', 2, 'SELECT',  4, 'TRANSACTION',  8, 'AUTO' , 32,  1 ), failover_retries, failover_delay, flags, nvl(replay_initiation_timeout, 900), decode(upper(session_state_consistency), 'STATIC', 16, 0), failover_restore from sys.service$ where name = :1

insert into link_logons$(logon_time , source_id)  VALUES ( SYSTIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE 'UTC', :srcid )

XCTEND rlbk=0, rd_only=0, tim=....

XCTEND rlbk=1, rd_only=1, tim=...

XCTEND rlbk=0, rd_only=1, tim=...

So, a Database Link query has overheads. Also, when running a query (just a SELECT statement) requires the two databases to synchronise SCN.  Whichever is the database with the lower SCN has to increment its SCN to the other database's (higher) SCN  
A distributed query is effectively a *transaction* which requires implicit COMMIT/ROLLBACK. To clarify : Oracle automatically re-synchronizes the SCN -- not that your distributed transaction is automatically commit.

(also notice the "insert into link_logon$"  which seems to be an audit implementation in the remote database PDBTMP).

Bonus : This is the ON LOGON TRIGGER in PDTMP which causes it to write to a Trace File :

SQL> select dbms_metadata.get_ddl('TRIGGER','DATA_LOAD_LOGON_TRIG') from dual;


after logon on database
 WHEN (user = 'DATA_LOAD') begin
   execute immediate 'alter session set tracefile_identifier=''DATA_LOAD''';
   execute immediate 'alter session set statistics_level=''ALL''';

Such a trigger is useful when you want to trace every logon by a particular user but don't know when the logon will occur.

14 August, 2022

Direct Path Inserts and Locks

 In my previous post I had demonstrated how a Direct Path Insert in one session blocks another Direct Path Insert from another session, except when the two sessions explicitly name separate target Partitions.

Here, I will lock at how Oracle creates Locks for such operations.  In the output below, the SQLPrompt is set to either 'Sesn_1' or 'Sesn_2' or 'SYSTEM' (the DBA session) to indicate which session is executing the SQL statement.

First, running the Direct Path Insert without specifying the target Partition name.

  1  select object_name, subobject_name, object_type, object_id, data_object_id
  2  from dba_objects
  3  where owner = 'HEMANT'
  4  and object_name in ('MY_PART_TABLE')
  5  and object_type in ('TABLE','TABLE PARTITION')
  6* order by 1, 2 nulls first, 4

---------------- ---------------- ----------------------- ---------- --------------
MY_PART_TABLE                     TABLE                        81817
MY_PART_TABLE    P_100            TABLE PARTITION              81818          81827
MY_PART_TABLE    P_200            TABLE PARTITION              81819          81828
MY_PART_TABLE    P_300            TABLE PARTITION              81820          81820

SYSTEM>truncate table hemant.my_part_table;

Table truncated.

SYSTEM>select count(*) from v$locked_object;



Sesn_1>select distinct sid from v$mystat;


  1  insert /*+ APPEND */ into my_part_table
  2  select rownum, dbms_random.string('X',12)
  3  from dual
  4* connect by rownum < 51

50 rows created.


Sesn_2>select distinct sid from v$mystat;


  1  insert /*+ APPEND */ into my_part_table
  2  select rownum+101, dbms_random.string('X',12)
  3  from dual
  4* connect by rownum < 51
---------- Sesn_2 is now in a Wait

SYSTEM>select event from v$session where sid=384;

enq: TM - contention

SYSTEM>select session_id, object_id, locked_mode
  2  from v$locked_object
  3  /

---------- ---------- -----------
       138      81817           6
       384      81817           0

---------- Object ID 81817 is the Table itself, locked by Session 138 -- Sesn_1
SYSTEM>select sid, type, id1, id2, lmode, request, block
  2  from v$lock
  3  where sid in (138,384)
  4  order by 1
  5  /

       SID TY        ID1        ID2      LMODE    REQUEST      BLOCK
---------- -- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
       138 TM      81817          0          6          0          1
       138 AE        134 4057974068          4          0          0
       138 TX     393246       7880          6          0          0
       384 AE        134 4057974068          4          0          0
       384 TM      81817          0          0          6          0

---------- Session 138 has TM Lock Mode6 on Object 81817 -- the Table itself
---------- Session 384 (Sesn_2, Waiting) is requesting a TM Lock Mode6

So, it is clear that Session 1 (SID 138) had a TM Lock (Mode->6) on the Table, blocking Session 2 (384) (which is requesting the same Mode->6 lock) when the Direct Path Insert specified the Table name alone.
The TX lock by SID 138  is the Transaction Row Exclusive Lock.  What is blocking Session 2 (SID 384) is that it is requesting a Mode->6 lock on the same Object (the Table) as already held by Session 1 (SID 138)

Then, when I issue a Rollback (or Commit) from Sesn_1, the Insert by Sesn_2 goes through.

Before this next test, I rollback both the Inserts

Next, with the target Partition named

  1  insert /*+ APPEND */ into my_part_table partition (p_100)
  2  select rownum, dbms_random.string('X',12)
  3  from dual
  4* connect by rownum < 51

50 rows created.


  1  insert /*+ APPEND */ into my_part_table partition (p_200)
  2  select rownum+101, dbms_random.string('X',12)
  3  from dual
  4* connect by rownum < 51

50 rows created.


SYSTEM>select event from v$session where sid=384;

SQL*Net message from client

SYSTEM>select session_id, object_id, locked_mode
  2  from v$locked_object
  3  /

---------- ---------- -----------
       138      81817           3
       138      81818           6
       384      81817           3
       384      81819           6

  1  select sid, type, id1, id2, lmode, request, block
  2  from v$lock
  3  where sid in (138,384)
  4* order by 1,2,3

       SID TY        ID1        ID2      LMODE    REQUEST      BLOCK
---------- -- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
       138 AE        134 4057974068          4          0          0
       138 TM      81817          0          3          0          0
       138 TM      81818          0          6          0          0
       138 TX      65540       6296          6          0          0
       384 AE        134 4057974068          4          0          0
       384 TM      81817          0          3          0          0
       384 TM      81819          0          6          0          0
       384 TX     458781       6211          6          0          0

8 rows selected.

---------- Both sessions SIDs 138 (Sesn_1) and 384 (Sesn_2) have the Table Object (81817) locked in Mode3, not Mode6
---------- But the Partitions (Objects 81818 and 81819) are locked in Mode6
---------- Neither is SID 138 Blocking any other session nor is SID 384 being blocked

Now we see that the Table (object 81817) is locked in Mode->3 and not Mode->6  by by *both sessions* while the respective Partitions P_100 (object 81818) and P_200 (81819) are locked in Mode->6 without session 384 (Sesn_2) waiting for a block.

Thus, as the Table itself is not locked in Mode->6, Sesn_2 is allowed a Direct Path Insert into another Partition -- only so as long as it explicitly names the Target Partition. (If Sesn_2 attempts to do a Direct Path Insert without naming a Target Partition, it will, again begin waiting on Sesn_1 without the REQUEST being evident in v$lock)

Mode 6 is Lock Table in Exclusive Mode in the first case.
In the second case, the Table is locked in Mode 3 which is Row-Exclusive, not Table level.

The "TX" is a Transaction Enqueue 

The "AE" Lock type is "Edition Enqueue" --- which we are not concerned with in this test, as it relates to Editioning (which I am not currently using) and will appear even if Editioning is not being used.

12 August, 2022

Direct Path Insert into a Partitioned Table

 Normally a Direct Path Insert that is not committed blocks other concurrent Direct Path Inserts.  This behaviour also extends to Partitioned Tables.

UPDATE : Correction to 3 lines explaining how the two sessions see rows after commits.

Thus :

--------- From Session 1 : inserting only into the first Partition p_100
SQL> l
  1  create table my_part_table (id_col number, data_col varchar2(25))
  2  partition by range (id_col)
  3  (partition p_100 values less than (101),
  4   partition p_200 values less than (201),
  5   partition p_300 values less than (301)
  6* )
SQL> /

Table created.

SQL> l
  1  insert /*+ APPEND */ into my_part_table
  2  select rownum, dbms_random.string('X',12)
  3  from dual
  4* connect by rownum < 51
SQL> /

50 rows created.


---------- From Session 2 :  where we know that the rows will actually be inserted into a different Partition p_200
SQL> l
  1  insert /*+ APPEND */ into my_part_table
  2  select rownum+101, dbms_random.string('X',12)
  3  from dual
  4* connect by rownum < 51
SQL> /

-- Yet, Session 2 is blocked and has to wait untill Session 1 does a COMMIT or ROLLBACK

Even though the 2 sessions will be inserting into separate Partitions (i.e. separate Segments). the first session blocks  the other Direct Path Insert.

However, this blocking can be avoided by explicitly naming the target Partition

Thus :

--------- From Session 1 : inserting only into the first Partition p_100 explicitly named 
SQL> l
  1  insert /*+ APPEND */ into my_part_table partition (p_100)
  2  select rownum, dbms_random.string('X',12)
  3  from dual
  4* connect by rownum < 51
SQL> /

50 rows created.

---------- From Session 2 :  inserting into the second Parition p_200 explicitlly named
SQL> l
  1  insert /*+ APPEND */ into my_part_table partition (p_200)
  2  select rownum+101, dbms_random.string('X',12)
  3  from dual
  4* connect by rownum < 51
SQL> /

50 rows created.

-------- Of course, both sessions can't requery until they COMMIT or ROLLBACK
--- note : Session 2 can query and see it's own rows after it does a COMMIT
---        Similarly, Session 1 can query and see it's own rows after it does a COMMIT
---        And they can see all the rows after both do a COMMIT
------------------------- the above 3 lines are correction to this blog post 
SQL> select count(*) from my_part_table;
select count(*) from my_part_table
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-12838: cannot read/modify an object after modifying it in parallel

SQL> commit; -- issued by both sessions so as to be able to see their own rows as well

Commit complete.

SQL> select count(*) from my_part_table;


SQL> select count(*) from my_part_table partition (p_100);


SQL>  select count(*) from my_part_table partition (p_200);



Thus, although there is general advice not to explicitly name a target Partition, I find this method useful if I have multiple concurrent Direct Path Inserts.

07 August, 2022

The format of the ROWID

 A ROWID is a method of identifying the physical location of a row in an Oracle Database.  An Index on a Table captures the ROWIDs for the rows holding the index key values and these entries in the Index are how an Index lookup redirects a query to the row (i.e. physical location) in the table.

A ROWID (called an Extended ROWID) consists of 4 components :

    -    DataObject Number

    -    DataFile Number Relative to the Tablespace

    -    DataBlock Number (within the DataFile)

    -    RowNumber within the DataBlock

A Partitioned Table actually consists of multiple segments.  Each segment has a different DataObject Number.

Here is a quick demo of the difference between a normal (Non-Partitioned) Table and a Partitioned Table :

The Normal Table :

SQL> create table NONPARTITIONED (id_col number, data_col varchar2(1000)) pctfree 99 tablespace HEMANT_DATA;

Table created.

  2  values (1, dbms_random.string('X',999));

1 row created.

  2  values (2,'This is the second row');

1 row created.

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.

SQL> select rowid, id_col, substr(data_col,1,24)
  3  order by id_col
  4  /

ROWID                  ID_COL SUBSTR(DATA_COL,1,24)
------------------ ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AAAT70AAgAAAACXAAA          2 This is the second row

SQL> l
    1  select id_col,
    2  dbms_rowid.rowid_object(rowid) ObjectNumber,
    3  dbms_rowid.rowid_relative_fno(rowid) RelativeFileNumber,
    4  dbms_rowid.rowid_block_number(rowid) BlockNumber
    6* order by id_col
SQL> /

---------- ------------ ------------------ -----------
         1        81652                 32         147
         2        81652                 32         151


Because I created the Table with PCTFREE 99 and inserted a long string in the first row, the second row was created in a different block.  Both Blocks are in the same Relative File Number (32) and belong to the same Object (ObjectNumber 81652).  Is this really the Object ID ?

The Partitioned Table :

SQL> l
  1  create table PARTITIONED (id_col number, data_col varchar2(1000))
  2  partition by range (id_col)
  3  (
  4  partition P_1 values less than (2) tablespace HEMANT_DATA,
  5  partition P_2 values less than (3) tablespace HEMANT_DATA,
  6  partition P_3 values less than (4) tablespace HEMANT_DATA,
  7  partition P_MAX values less than (MAXVALUE) tablespace HEMANT_DATA
  8   )
  9* tablespace HEMANT_DATA
SQL> /

Table created.

SQL> insert into PARTITIONED
  2  values (1, dbms_random.string('X',999));

1 row created.

SQL> insert into PARTITIONED
  2  values (2,'This is the second row');

1 row created.

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.

SQL> select rowid, id_col, substr(data_col,1,24)
  3  order by id_col
  4  /

ROWID                  ID_COL SUBSTR(DATA_COL,1,24)
------------------ ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AAAT78AAfAAAAZ3AAA          2 This is the second row

SQL> l
  1  select id_col,
  2  dbms_rowid.rowid_object(rowid) ObjectNumber,
  3  dbms_rowid.rowid_relative_fno(rowid) RelativeFileNumber,
  4  dbms_rowid.rowid_block_number(rowid) BlockNumber
  6* order by id_col
SQL> /

---------- ------------ ------------------ -----------
         1        81659                 31         631
         2        81660                 31        1655


In this case, the two rows are in different Blocks not because of the PCTFREE (which has defaulted to 10) but because they are in different Segments -- as you can see from the ObjectNumbers being different for the two rows.
(You might have also noticed that these were created in a separate datafile, FILENUMBER 31 instead of 32 {as was for the first table}, but that is because Oracle tries to allocate new segments across different datafiles)

In the ROWID format the ObjectNumber is actually the *Data Object Number* that identifies the  Segment, not the Object Number of the Table.

Thus, to verify the Segments of the two tables, I can query and check :

SQL> l
  1  select object_name, subobject_name, object_type, object_id, data_object_id
  2  from user_objects
  3  where object_name in ('NONPARTITIONED','PARTITIONED')
  4  and object_type in ('TABLE','TABLE PARTITION')
  5* order by 1, 2 nulls first, 4
SQL> /

---------------- ---------------- ----------------------- ---------- --------------
NONPARTITIONED                    TABLE                        81652          81652
PARTITIONED                       TABLE                        81658
PARTITIONED      P_1              TABLE PARTITION              81659          81659
PARTITIONED      P_2              TABLE PARTITION              81660          81660
PARTITIONED      P_3              TABLE PARTITION              81661          81661
PARTITIONED      P_MAX            TABLE PARTITION              81662          81662

6 rows selected.


Thus, for the NONPARTITIONED Table, the Object_ID and Data_Object_ID and that returned by DBMS_ROWID are all the same -- 81652.  
But the logical entry for the PARTITIONED Table has an Object_ID of 81658 but, without any segment and, therefore, without a Data_Object_ID.
The rows in this Partitioned Table are actually created in the two different Partition Segments with the corresponding Data_Object_ID  (81659 and 81660).

We know that when we rebuild a Table, the ROWID changes.  But this is actually because a new Segment is allocated.  

Thus, if I were to do a MOVE of the "Normal" Table :

SQL> alter table NONPARTITIONED move;

Table altered.

SQL> l
  1  select id_col,
  2  dbms_rowid.rowid_object(rowid) ObjectNumber,
  3  dbms_rowid.rowid_relative_fno(rowid) RelativeFileNumber,
  4  dbms_rowid.rowid_block_number(rowid) BlockNumber
  6*  order by id_col
SQL> /

---------- ------------ ------------------ -----------
         1        81663                 32         155
         2        81663                 32         156

SQL> l
  1  select object_name, subobject_name, object_type, object_id, data_object_id
  2  from user_objects
  3  where object_name in ('NONPARTITIONED','PARTITIONED')
  4  and object_type in ('TABLE','TABLE PARTITION')
  5* order by 1, 2 nulls first, 4
SQL> /

---------------- ---------------- ----------------------- ---------- --------------
NONPARTITIONED                    TABLE                        81652          81663
PARTITIONED                       TABLE                        81658
PARTITIONED      P_1              TABLE PARTITION              81659          81659
PARTITIONED      P_2              TABLE PARTITION              81660          81660
PARTITIONED      P_3              TABLE PARTITION              81661          81661
PARTITIONED      P_MAX            TABLE PARTITION              81662          81662

6 rows selected.


Executing a MOVE of the Non-Partitioned Table resulted in a change of the *Data Object Number* (i.e DATA_OBJECT_ID) (from 81652 to 81663) without changing the OBJECT_ID.

For a couple of more interesting aspects of ROWIDs, see this YouTube video "Think you know how the ROWID works? Think again!" by Connor McDonald

12 June, 2022

Index Statistic NUM_ROWS excludes Rows with NULL value

 A quick demonstration of the difference between the Table Statistic NUM_ROWS and the Index Statistic NUM_ROWS

SQL> desc customers
 Name                                                                     Null?    Type
 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- -------------------------------------------------
 CUST_ID                                                                  NOT NULL NUMBER
 CUST_NAME                                                                         VARCHAR2(128)
 CUST_CITY                                                                         VARCHAR2(128)
 CUST_START_DATE                                                                   DATE

SQL> select index_name,  column_position, column_name
  2  from user_ind_columns
  3  where table_name = 'CUSTOMERS'
  4  order by 1,2
  5  /

---------------- --------------- ----------------
CUST_CITY_NDX                  1 CUST_CITY
CUST_ID_NDX                    1 CUST_ID

SQL> select count(*) from customers;


SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('','CUSTOMERS');

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> select last_analyzed, sample_size, num_rows
  2  from user_tables
  3  where table_name = 'CUSTOMERS'
  4  /

--------- ----------- ----------
12-JUN-22     1299647    1299647

SQL> select index_name, last_analyzed, sample_size, num_rows
  2  from user_indexes
  3  where table_name = 'CUSTOMERS'
  4  order by index_name
  5  /

---------------- --------- ----------- ----------
CUST_CITY_NDX    12-JUN-22     1179648    1179648
CUST_ID_NDX      12-JUN-22     1299647    1299647

SQL> select count(*)
  2  from customers
  3  where cust_city is null
  4  /


SQL> select 1299647-1179648 from dual;


SQL> create index cust_id_city_ndx
  2  on customers(cust_id, cust_city)
  3  /

Index created.

SQL> select index_name, last_analyzed, sample_size, num_rows
  2  from user_indexes
  3  where table_name = 'CUSTOMERS'
  4  order by index_name
  5  /

---------------- --------- ----------- ----------
CUST_CITY_NDX    12-JUN-22     1179648    1179648
CUST_ID_CITY_NDX 12-JUN-22     1299647    1299647
CUST_ID_NDX      12-JUN-22     1299647    1299647

SQL> drop index cust_id_city_ndx;

Index dropped.

SQL> create index cust_city_id_ndx
  2  on customers(cust_city, cust_id)
  3  /

Index created.

SQL> select index_name, last_analyzed, sample_size, num_rows
  2  from user_indexes
  3  where table_name = 'CUSTOMERS'
  4  order by index_name
  5  /

---------------- --------- ----------- ----------
CUST_CITY_ID_NDX 12-JUN-22     1299647    1299647
CUST_CITY_NDX    12-JUN-22     1179648    1179648
CUST_ID_NDX      12-JUN-22     1299647    1299647


In recent versions, a CREATE INDEX implicitly includes a Gather Stats call on the new Index by default, so the two new Indexes also had updated statistics.

The CUST_CITY column has 119999 rows with NULLs.  So, the Statistics on the Index CUST_CITY_NDX on this column did not include these new rows.

The two new Indexes that I created (CUST_ID_CITY_NDX and CUST_CITY_ID_NDX) were composite indexes where at least one column (CUST_ID - which is a Primary Key) is a NOT NULL.
Therefore, Statistics on these Indexes did include all the rows as, for every row in the Table, at least 1 column had a Not NULL value.

08 May, 2022

PDB Recovery Isolation in 21c

 In my previous blog post, where I demonstrated PDB Flashback, I had alluded to the "PDB Recovery Isolation" feature of 21c.

Here is a demonstration.

On the Primary, I issue only two commands to create a new PDB from an *existing, active* PDB (a PDB that is in Read-Write mode and is not  PDB$SEED) :  The source PDBHKC is active and you will notice the Archive Log Sequence# being incremented significantly as transactions are in-flight and continuing while PDBKC is being CREATEd and OPENed.

SQL> create pluggable database pdbnew from pdbhkc;

Pluggable database created.

SQL> alter pluggable database pdbnew open;

Pluggable database altered.

SQL> quit

These are the relevant Primary Database Alert entries (not every entry) :

create pluggable database pdbnew from pdbhkc

PDBNEW(6):Endian type of dictionary set to little

Pluggable Database PDBNEW with pdb id - 6 is created as UNUSABLE.
If any errors are encountered before the pdb is marked as NEW,
then the pdb must be dropped
local undo-1, localundoscn-0x000000000000011d
PDBNEW(6):Media Recovery Start
PDBNEW(6):Serial Media Recovery started
PDBNEW(6):max_pdb is 6
PDBNEW(6):Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 1 Seq 73 Reading mem 0
PDBNEW(6):  Mem# 0: /u02/oradata/DB213H1/redo01.log
Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 75 (LGWR switch),  current SCN: 4931897
  Current log# 3 seq# 75 mem# 0: /u02/oradata/DB213H1/redo03.log
PDBNEW(6):Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 2 Seq 74 Reading mem 0
PDBNEW(6):  Mem# 0: /u02/oradata/DB213H1/redo02.log
PDBNEW(6):Incomplete Recovery applied until change 4931866 time 05/08/2022 22:33:02
PDBNEW(6):NET  (PID:16256): Media Recovery Complete [dbsdrv.c:15048]
NET  (PID:16388): Archived Log entry 119 added for B-1102494684.T-1.S-74 ID 0x7fbfe6abae9c LAD:1 [krse.c:4933]
PDBNEW(6):Pluggable database PDBNEW pseudo opening
PDBNEW(6):SUPLOG: Initialize PDB SUPLOG SGA, old value 0x0, new value 0x18
PDBNEW(6):Autotune of undo retention is turned on.
PDBNEW(6):Undo initialization recovery: Parallel FPTR failed: start:15704441 end:15704446 diff:5 ms (0.0 seconds)
PDBNEW(6):Undo initialization recovery: err:0 start: 15704439 end: 15704511 diff: 72 ms (0.1 seconds)
PDBNEW(6):[16256] Successfully onlined Undo Tablespace 2.
PDBNEW(6):Undo initialization online undo segments: err:0 start: 15704512 end: 15704530 diff: 18 ms (0.0 seconds)
PDBNEW(6):Undo initialization finished serial:0 start:15704439 end:15704538 diff:99 ms (0.1 seconds)
PDBNEW(6):Database Characterset for PDBNEW is AL32UTF8
PDBNEW(6):Pluggable database PDBNEW pseudo closing
PDBNEW(6):JIT: pid 16256 requesting stop
PDBNEW(6):Closing sequence subsystem (15704602605).
PDBNEW(6):Buffer Cache flush started: 6
PDBNEW(6):Buffer Cache flush finished: 6
Completed: create pluggable database pdbnew from pdbhkc

alter pluggable database pdbnew open
PDBNEW(6):Pluggable database PDBNEW opening in read write
PDBNEW(6):SUPLOG: Initialize PDB SUPLOG SGA, old value 0x0, new value 0x18
PDBNEW(6):Autotune of undo retention is turned on.
PDBNEW(6):Endian type of dictionary set to little
PDBNEW(6):Undo initialization recovery: Parallel FPTR complete: start:15718778 end:15718780 diff:2 ms (0.0 seconds)
PDBNEW(6):Undo initialization recovery: err:0 start: 15718778 end: 15718780 diff: 2 ms (0.0 seconds)
PDBNEW(6):[16256] Successfully onlined Undo Tablespace 2.
PDBNEW(6):Undo initialization online undo segments: err:0 start: 15718780 end: 15718873 diff: 93 ms (0.1 seconds)
PDBNEW(6):Undo initialization finished serial:0 start:15718778 end:15718875 diff:97 ms (0.1 seconds)
PDBNEW(6):Database Characterset for PDBNEW is AL32UTF8
PDBNEW(6):Deleting old file#13 from file$
PDBNEW(6):Deleting old file#14 from file$
PDBNEW(6):Deleting old file#15 from file$
PDBNEW(6):Adding new file#22 to file$(old file#13).             fopr-1, newblks-35840, oldblks-19200
PDBNEW(6):Adding new file#23 to file$(old file#14).             fopr-1, newblks-47360, oldblks-15360
PDBNEW(6):Adding new file#24 to file$(old file#15).             fopr-1, newblks-12800, oldblks-12800
PDBNEW(6):Successfully created internal service PDBNEW at open
Post plug operations are now complete.
Pluggable database PDBNEW with pdb id - 6 is now marked as NEW.
PDBNEW(6):SUPLOG: Set PDB SUPLOG SGA at PDB OPEN, old 0x18, new 0x0 (no suplog)

Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 81 (LGWR switch),  current SCN: 4933127
  Current log# 3 seq# 81 mem# 0: /u02/oradata/DB213H1/redo03.log

PDBNEW(6):Opening pdb with no Resource Manager plan active
Pluggable database PDBNEW opened read write
Completed: alter pluggable database pdbnew open

(The "Deleting old file#" and "Adding new file#" entries are simply about updating the controlfile)
Note that Log Sequence# has moved from 72 to 81 during the course of the CREATE and OPEN of the new PDB.

These are the Standby Alert Log entries :

ARC0 (PID:1354): Archived Log entry 55 added for B-1102494684.T-1.S-73 ID 0x7f7ae6abae9c LAD:1 [krse.c:4933]
 rfs (PID:12549): Opened LNO:5 for DBID:3870017436 B-1102494684.T-1.S-74 [krsr.c:18143]
PR00 (PID:1438): Media Recovery Waiting for T-1.S-74 (in transit) [krsm.c:6185]
Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 5 Seq 74 Reading mem 0
  Mem# 0: /u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/onlinelog/o1_mf_5_k5yt8yjw_.log
Recovery created pluggable database PDBNEW
PDBNEW(6):Tablespace-SYSTEM during PDB create offlined since source is in r/w mode or this is a refresh clone
PDBNEW(6):File #22 added to control file as '/u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/DE81F2476C7F3F80E0538338A8C0063E/datafile/o1_mf_system_k7ho4s6r_.dbf'.
PDBNEW(6):Tablespace-SYSAUX during PDB create offlined since source is in r/w mode or this is a refresh clone
PDBNEW(6):File #23 added to control file as '/u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/DE81F2476C7F3F80E0538338A8C0063E/datafile/o1_mf_sysaux_k7ho4s6s_.dbf'.
PDBNEW(6):Tablespace-UNDOTBS1 during PDB create offlined since source is in r/w mode or this is a refresh clone
PDBNEW(6):File #24 added to control file as '/u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/DE81F2476C7F3F80E0538338A8C0063E/datafile/o1_mf_undotbs1_k7ho4s6t_.dbf'.
PDBNEW(6):Tablespace-TEMP during PDB create offlined since source is in r/w mode or this is a refresh clone
 rfs (PID:12549): Opened LNO:4 for DBID:3870017436 B-1102494684.T-1.S-75 [krsr.c:18143]
ARC2 (PID:1362): Archived Log entry 56 added for B-1102494684.T-1.S-74 ID 0x7fbbe6abae9c LAD:1 [krse.c:4933]
PR00 (PID:1438): Media Recovery Waiting for T-1.S-75 (in transit) [krsm.c:6185]
Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 4 Seq 75 Reading mem 0
  Mem# 0: /u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/onlinelog/o1_mf_4_k5yt8y5f_.log
 rfs (PID:12549): Opened LNO:5 for DBID:3870017436 B-1102494684.T-1.S-76 [krsr.c:18143]
ARC0 (PID:1354): Archived Log entry 57 added for B-1102494684.T-1.S-75 ID 0x7f7ae6abae9c LAD:1 [krse.c:4933]
PR00 (PID:1438): Media Recovery Waiting for T-1.S-76 (in transit) [krsm.c:6185]
Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 5 Seq 76 Reading mem 0
  Mem# 0: /u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/onlinelog/o1_mf_5_k5yt8yjw_.log
PDBNEW(6):Full restore complete of datafile 24 /u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/DE81F2476C7F3F80E0538338A8C0063E/datafile/o1_mf_undotbs1_k7ho53ny_.dbf.  Elapsed time: 0:00:01
PDBNEW(6):  checkpoint is 4932003
PDBNEW(6):  last deallocation scn is 3928601
PDBNEW(6):Datafile #24 has been copied to the standby.
 rfs (PID:12549): Opened LNO:4 for DBID:3870017436 B-1102494684.T-1.S-77 [krsr.c:18143]
PR00 (PID:1438): Media Recovery Waiting for T-1.S-77 (in transit) [krsm.c:6185]
ARC2 (PID:1362): Archived Log entry 58 added for B-1102494684.T-1.S-76 ID 0x7fbbe6abae9c LAD:1 [krse.c:4933]
Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 4 Seq 77 Reading mem 0
  Mem# 0: /u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/onlinelog/o1_mf_4_k5yt8y5f_.log
PDBNEW(6):Full restore complete of datafile 23 /u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/DE81F2476C7F3F80E0538338A8C0063E/datafile/o1_mf_sysaux_k7ho54o6_.dbf.  Elapsed time: 0:00:04
PDBNEW(6):  checkpoint is 4932003
PDBNEW(6):  last deallocation scn is 3862144
PDBNEW(6):Datafile #23 has been copied to the standby.
 rfs (PID:12549): Opened LNO:5 for DBID:3870017436 B-1102494684.T-1.S-78 [krsr.c:18143]
Trying to expand controlfile section 11 for Oracle Managed Files
Expanded controlfile section 11 from 56 to 112 records
Requested to grow by 56 records; added 2 blocks of records
ARC0 (PID:1354): Archived Log entry 59 added for B-1102494684.T-1.S-77 ID 0x7f7ae6abae9c LAD:1 [krse.c:4933]
PR00 (PID:1438): Media Recovery Waiting for T-1.S-78 (in transit) [krsm.c:6185]
Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 5 Seq 78 Reading mem 0
  Mem# 0: /u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/onlinelog/o1_mf_5_k5yt8yjw_.log
PDBNEW(6):Full restore complete of datafile 22 /u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/DE81F2476C7F3F80E0538338A8C0063E/datafile/o1_mf_system_k7ho58jz_.dbf.  Elapsed time: 0:00:03
PDBNEW(6):  checkpoint is 4932003
PDBNEW(6):  last deallocation scn is 3860354
PDBNEW(6):Datafile #22 has been copied to the standby.
PDBNEW(6):PDB Side Media Recovery started for pdbid(6)
PDBNEW(6):.... (PID:12667): Managed Recovery starting Real Time Apply [krsm.c:15865]
PDBNEW(6):max_pdb is 6
PDBNEW(6):Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/DB213H1_STDBY/archivelog/2022_05_08/o1_mf_1_75_k7ho53pg_.arc
PDBNEW(6):Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/DB213H1_STDBY/archivelog/2022_05_08/o1_mf_1_76_k7ho57fz_.arc
PDBNEW(6):Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/DB213H1_STDBY/archivelog/2022_05_08/o1_mf_1_77_k7ho5bgp_.arc
PDBNEW(6):.... (PID:12667): Media Recovery Waiting for T-1.S-78 (in transit) [krsm.c:6185]
PDBNEW(6):Media Recovery of Online Log [Thread=1, Seq=78]
PDBNEW(6):Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 5 Seq 78 Reading mem 0
PDBNEW(6):  Mem# 0: /u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/onlinelog/o1_mf_5_k5yt8yjw_.log
PDBNEW(6):The merge request has been submitted by side recovery for pdbid 6
PR00 (PID:1438): Background Media Recovery cancelled with status 16037 [krd.c:27039]
PSR: Background Media Recovery will be reactivated in an attempt to take over PDB side recovery sessions
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/db213h1_stdby/DB213H1/trace/DB213H1_pr00_1438.trc:
ORA-16037: user requested cancel of managed recovery operation
PR00 (PID:1438): Managed Recovery not using Real Time Apply [krsm.c:15876]
Recovery interrupted!
Recovered data files to a consistent state at change 4932082
Stopping change tracking
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/db213h1_stdby/DB213H1/trace/DB213H1_pr00_1438.trc:
ORA-16037: user requested cancel of managed recovery operation
PDBNEW(6):.... (PID:12667): Side Recovery Complete [krds.c:1584]
ARC3 (PID:1364): Archived Log entry 60 added for B-1102494684.T-1.S-78 ID 0x7fd0e6abae9c LAD:1 [krse.c:4933]
 rfs (PID:12549): Opened LNO:4 for DBID:3870017436 B-1102494684.T-1.S-79 [krsr.c:18143]
ARC1 (PID:1360): Archived Log entry 61 added for B-1102494684.T-1.S-79 ID 0x7fd1e6abae9c LAD:1 [krse.c:4933]
 rfs (PID:12549): Opened LNO:5 for DBID:3870017436 B-1102494684.T-1.S-80 [krsr.c:18143]
 rfs (PID:12549): Opened LNO:4 for DBID:3870017436 B-1102494684.T-1.S-81 [krsr.c:18143]
ARC2 (PID:1362): Archived Log entry 62 added for B-1102494684.T-1.S-80 ID 0x7fbbe6abae9c LAD:1 [krse.c:4933]

I have extracted below the important entries on the Standby that show the behaviour of PDB Recovery Isolation --- that Oracle at the Standby handles Recovery of the new PDB separately

Recovery created pluggable database PDBNEW
PDBNEW(6):Tablespace-SYSTEM during PDB create offlined since source is in r/w mode or this is a refresh clone
PDBNEW(6):File #22 added to control file as '/u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/DE81F2476C7F3F80E0538338A8C0063E/datafile/o1_mf_system_k7ho4s6r_.dbf'.
PDBNEW(6):Tablespace-SYSAUX during PDB create offlined since source is in r/w mode or this is a refresh clone
PDBNEW(6):File #23 added to control file as '/u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/DE81F2476C7F3F80E0538338A8C0063E/datafile/o1_mf_sysaux_k7ho4s6s_.dbf'.
PDBNEW(6):Tablespace-UNDOTBS1 during PDB create offlined since source is in r/w mode or this is a refresh clone
PDBNEW(6):File #24 added to control file as '/u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/DE81F2476C7F3F80E0538338A8C0063E/datafile/o1_mf_undotbs1_k7ho4s6t_.dbf'.
PDBNEW(6):Tablespace-TEMP during PDB create offlined since source is in r/w mode or this is a refresh clone

PDBNEW(6):PDB Side Media Recovery started for pdbid(6)
PDBNEW(6):.... (PID:12667): Managed Recovery starting Real Time Apply [krsm.c:15865]
PDBNEW(6):max_pdb is 6

PDBNEW(6):Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 5 Seq 78 Reading mem 0
PDBNEW(6):  Mem# 0: /u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/onlinelog/o1_mf_5_k5yt8yjw_.log
PDBNEW(6):The merge request has been submitted by side recovery for pdbid 6
PR00 (PID:1438): Background Media Recovery cancelled with status 16037 [krd.c:27039]
PSR: Background Media Recovery will be reactivated in an attempt to take over PDB side recovery sessions
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/db213h1_stdby/DB213H1/trace/DB213H1_pr00_1438.trc:
ORA-16037: user requested cancel of managed recovery operation
PR00 (PID:1438): Managed Recovery not using Real Time Apply [krsm.c:15876]
Recovery interrupted!
Recovered data files to a consistent state at change 4932082
Stopping change tracking
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/db213h1_stdby/DB213H1/trace/DB213H1_pr00_1438.trc:
ORA-16037: user requested cancel of managed recovery operation
PDBNEW(6):.... (PID:12667): Side Recovery Complete [krds.c:1584]

ARC3 (PID:1364): Archived Log entry 60 added for B-1102494684.T-1.S-78 ID 0x7fd0e6abae9c LAD:1 [krse.c:4933]
 rfs (PID:12549): Opened LNO:4 for DBID:3870017436 B-1102494684.T-1.S-79 [krsr.c:18143]
ARC1 (PID:1360): Archived Log entry 61 added for B-1102494684.T-1.S-79 ID 0x7fd1e6abae9c LAD:1 [krse.c:4933]
 rfs (PID:12549): Opened LNO:5 for DBID:3870017436 B-1102494684.T-1.S-80 [krsr.c:18143]
 rfs (PID:12549): Opened LNO:4 for DBID:3870017436 B-1102494684.T-1.S-81 [krsr.c:18143]
ARC2 (PID:1362): Archived Log entry 62 added for B-1102494684.T-1.S-80 ID 0x7fbbe6abae9c LAD:1 [krse.c:4933]
all data files of pdbid 6 are brought online.
 Started logmerger process

IM on ADG: Start of Empty Journal

IM on ADG: End of Empty Journal
PR00 (PID:12697): Managed Recovery starting Real Time Apply [krsm.c:15865]
max_pdb is 6
Parallel Media Recovery started with 2 slaves
Stopping change tracking
PR00 (PID:12697): Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/DB213H1_STDBY/archivelog/2022_05_08/o1_mf_1_78_k7ho5f5y_.arc [krd.c:9408]
PR00 (PID:12697): Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/DB213H1_STDBY/archivelog/2022_05_08/o1_mf_1_79_k7ho5jc9_.arc [krd.c:9408]
PR00 (PID:12697): Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/DB213H1_STDBY/archivelog/2022_05_08/o1_mf_1_80_k7ho5kvg_.arc [krd.c:9408]
PR00 (PID:12697): Media Recovery Waiting for T-1.S-81 (in transit) [krsm.c:6185]
Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 4 Seq 81 Reading mem 0

First, it identifies that the Source PDB is in Read-Write mode.
Then it begins a "Side Media Recovery" for the new PDB PDBNEW(6).
Later, it temporarily halts recovery of the full Standby CDB to merge the  "Side Recovery".
Finally, it resumes "normal" Recovery of the Standby from ArchiveLog Sequence 78 onwards.

03 May, 2022

PDB Flashback in 21c

 Oracle 21c allows you to Flashback a Pluggable Database to a past point-in-time / SCN.

Here is a quick demo  (also with alert log messages from the Primary and Standby) :

On the Primary :

SQL> create pluggable database pdbhkc admin user hemant identified by hemant;

Pluggable database created.

SQL> alter pluggable database pdbhkc open;

Pluggable database altered.

SQL> select current_scn from v$database;


SQL> alter session set container=PDBHKC;

Session altered.

SQL> grant dba to hemant;  -- grant is done *after* SCN 3688309

Grant succeeded.

SQL> connect hemant/hemant@pdbhkc
SQL> create table obj_list as select * from user_objects;

Table created.

SQL> select count(*) from obj_list;  


SQL> select current_scn from v$database;


SQL> insert into obj_list select * from user_objects;

1 row created.

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.

SQL> insert into obj_list select * from obj_list;

1 row created.

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.

SQL> insert into obj_list select * from obj_list;

2 rows created.

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.

SQL> select current_scn from v$database;


SQL> quit
Disconnected from Oracle Database 21c Enterprise Edition Release - Production

Now I will attempt a FLASHBACK to SCN 3688309

[oracle@primary admin]$ rman target /

Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Tue May 3 14:18:15 2022

Copyright (c) 1982, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.

connected to target database: DB213H1 (DBID=3870017436)

RMAN> alter pluggable database pdbhkc close;

Statement processed

RMAN> flashback pluggable database pdbhkc to scn 3688309;

Starting flashback at 03-MAY-22
using target database control file instead of recovery catalog
allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=152 device type=DISK

starting media recovery
media recovery complete, elapsed time: 00:00:03

Finished flashback at 03-MAY-22

RMAN> alter pluggable database pdbhkc open resetlogs;

Statement processed

RMAN> quit

Recovery Manager complete.
[oracle@primary admin]$ sqlplus hemant/hemant@pdbhkc

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue May 3 14:20:01 2022

Copyright (c) 1982, 2021, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 21c Enterprise Edition Release - Production

SQL> select count(*) from user_objects;


SQL> select current_scn from v$database;   -- this fails because DBA grant is not yet present
select current_scn from v$database
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL> alter session set container=PDBHKC;

Session altered.

SQL> grant dba to hemant;

Grant succeeded.

SQL> connect hemant/hemant@pdbhkc;
SQL> select current_scn from v$database;


SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL> alter system archive log current;

System altered.

SQL> col name format a8
SQL> get pdb_incarnations.sql
  1  select pi.con_id, p.name,  pi.pdb_incarnation#,
  2  pi.incarnation_scn, pi.prior_pdb_incarnation#, pi.status
  3  from v$pdb_incarnation pi, v$pdbs p
  4  where pi.con_id=p.con_id
  5* order by 1,2,3,4
SQL> /

---------- -------- ---------------- --------------- ---------------------------------------- -------
         2 PDB$SEED                0               1                                          PARENT
         2 PDB$SEED                0         2601843 0                                        CURRENT
         3 PDB1                    0               1                                          PARENT
         3 PDB1                    0         2601843 0                                        CURRENT
         4 PDBHKC                  0         2601843                                          PARENT
         4 PDBHKC                  1         3688310 0                                        CURRENT

6 rows selected.


Note how the "GRANT DBA" was after the Flashback SCN and had to be regranted. After the FLASHBACK, the custom table "obj_list" does not exist.

Primary Alert Log Entries :

Primary Instance alert log :
alter pluggable database pdbhkc close
PDBHKC(4):Pluggable database PDBHKC closing
PDBHKC(4):JIT: pid 7263 requesting stop
PDBHKC(4):Closing sequence subsystem (5915010500).
PDBHKC(4):Buffer Cache flush started: 4
PDBHKC(4):Buffer Cache flush finished: 4
Pluggable database PDBHKC closed
Completed: alter pluggable database pdbhkc close
RMAN flashback PDB to scn 3688309
Flashback Restore Start
Restore Flashback Pluggable Database PDBHKC (4) until change 3686342
Flashback Restore Complete
Flashback Media Recovery Start
Serial Media Recovery started
max_pdb is 4
Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 1 Seq 28 Reading mem 0
  Mem# 0: /u02/oradata/DB213H1/redo01.log
Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 2 Seq 29 Reading mem 0
  Mem# 0: /u02/oradata/DB213H1/redo02.log
Incomplete Recovery applied until change 3688310 time 05/03/2022 14:12:57
Flashback Media Recovery Complete
Flashback Pluggable Database PDBHKC (4) recovered until change 3688310
Completed: RMAN flashback PDB to scn 3688309
alter pluggable database pdbhkc open resetlogs
Online datafile 15
Online datafile 14
Online datafile 13
PDBHKC(4):Pluggable database PDBHKC pseudo opening
PDBHKC(4):SUPLOG: Initialize PDB SUPLOG SGA, old value 0x0, new value 0x18
PDBHKC(4):Autotune of undo retention is turned on.
PDBHKC(4):Endian type of dictionary set to little
PDBHKC(4):Undo initialization recovery: Parallel FPTR failed: start:5988531 end:5988533 diff:2 ms (0.0 seconds)
PDBHKC(4):Undo initialization recovery: err:0 start: 5988531 end: 5988547 diff: 16 ms (0.0 seconds)
PDBHKC(4):[7263] Successfully onlined Undo Tablespace 2.
PDBHKC(4):Undo initialization online undo segments: err:0 start: 5988547 end: 5988555 diff: 8 ms (0.0 seconds)
PDBHKC(4):Undo initialization finished serial:0 start:5988531 end:5988556 diff:25 ms (0.0 seconds)
PDBHKC(4):Database Characterset for PDBHKC is AL32UTF8
PDBHKC(4):Pluggable database PDBHKC pseudo closing
PDBHKC(4):JIT: pid 7263 requesting stop
PDBHKC(4):Closing sequence subsystem (5988605782).
PDBHKC(4):Buffer Cache flush started: 4
PDBHKC(4):Buffer Cache flush finished: 4
PDBHKC(4):Pluggable database PDBHKC opening in read write
PDBHKC(4):SUPLOG: Initialize PDB SUPLOG SGA, old value 0x0, new value 0x18
PDBHKC(4):Autotune of undo retention is turned on.
PDBHKC(4):Endian type of dictionary set to little
PDBHKC(4):Undo initialization recovery: Parallel FPTR complete: start:5989023 end:5989027 diff:4 ms (0.0 seconds)
PDBHKC(4):Undo initialization recovery: err:0 start: 5989023 end: 5989027 diff: 4 ms (0.0 seconds)
PDBHKC(4):[7263] Successfully onlined Undo Tablespace 2.
PDBHKC(4):Undo initialization online undo segments: err:0 start: 5989027 end: 5989188 diff: 161 ms (0.2 seconds)
PDBHKC(4):Undo initialization finished serial:0 start:5989023 end:5989194 diff:171 ms (0.2 seconds)
PDBHKC(4):Pluggable database PDBHKC dictionary check beginning
PDBHKC(4):Pluggable Database PDBHKC Dictionary check complete
PDBHKC(4):Database Characterset for PDBHKC is AL32UTF8
PDBHKC(4):SUPLOG: Set PDB SUPLOG SGA at PDB OPEN, old 0x18, new 0x0 (no suplog)
PDBHKC(4):Opening pdb with no Resource Manager plan active
Control autobackup written to DISK device

handle '/u01/app/oracle/DB213H1/autobackup/2022_05_03/o1_mf_s_1103725184_k71ld0sw_.bkp'

Pluggable database PDBHKC closed
Completed: alter pluggable database pdbhkc open resetlogs
Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 30 (LGWR switch),  current SCN: 3691895
  Current log# 3 seq# 30 mem# 0: /u02/oradata/DB213H1/redo03.log
Deleted Oracle managed file /u01/app/oracle/DB213H1/archivelog/2022_04_20/o1_mf_1_9_k5yopcl1_.arc
NET  (PID:7571): Archived Log entry 29 added for B-1102494684.T-1.S-29 ID 0x7f6ee6abae9c LAD:1 [krse.c:4933]
Deleted Oracle managed file /u01/app/oracle/DB213H1/archivelog/2022_04_20/o1_mf_1_10_k5yos1cc_.arc

Note the messages 
"RMAN flashback PDB to scn 3688309" 
"Restore Flashback Pluggable Database PDBHKC (4) until change 3686342" 
"Incomplete Recovery applied until change 3688310" 
"Completed: RMAN flashback PDB to scn 3688309"

Standby Alert Log Entries :

Standby Instance alert log :
PDBHKC(4):PDB Side Media Recovery started for pdbid(4)
PDBHKC(4):.... (PID:6103): Managed Recovery starting Real Time Apply [krsm.c:15865]
PDBHKC(4):max_pdb is 4
PDBHKC(4):Datafile 15 (ckpscn 3690771) is orphaned on PDB incarnation#=1
PDBHKC(4):Datafile 14 (ckpscn 3690771) is orphaned on PDB incarnation#=1
PDBHKC(4):Datafile 13 (ckpscn 3690771) is orphaned on PDB incarnation#=1
PDBHKC(4):PSR[4]: the incarnation of data files don't match, so we are trying to fetch data files again from the primary database.
PDBHKC(4):Media Recovery failed with error 65138
PDBHKC(4):ORA-65138 is signaled while preparing the media recovery.
PDBHKC(4):Applying tablespace dictionary check redo for tablespace #0
PDBHKC(4):Applying tablespace dictionary check redo for tablespace #1
PDBHKC(4):Applying tablespace dictionary check redo for tablespace #2
PDBHKC(4):Applying tablespace dictionary check redo for tablespace #3
PDBHKC(4):Applying tablespace dictionary check redo for tablespace #4
PDBHKC(4):Applying datafile dictionary check redo for datafile #13
PDBHKC(4):Applying datafile dictionary check redo for datafile #14
PDBHKC(4):Applying datafile dictionary check redo for datafile #15
PDBHKC(4):Full restore complete of datafile 15 /u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/DE155F0301020A30E0538338A8C07AFA/datafile/o1_mf_undotbs1_k71kvzq4_.dbf.  Elapsed time: 0:00:00
PDBHKC(4):  checkpoint is 3691257
PDBHKC(4):  last deallocation scn is 3
PDBHKC(4):Datafile #15 has been copied to the standby.
PDBHKC(4):Full restore complete of datafile 14 /u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/DE155F0301020A30E0538338A8C07AFA/datafile/o1_mf_sysaux_k71kvzq3_.dbf.  Elapsed time: 0:00:03
PDBHKC(4):  checkpoint is 3691259
PDBHKC(4):  last deallocation scn is 1071312
PDBHKC(4):Datafile #14 has been copied to the standby.
PDBHKC(4):Full restore complete of datafile 13 /u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/DE155F0301020A30E0538338A8C07AFA/datafile/o1_mf_system_k71kvzpm_.dbf.  Elapsed time: 0:00:03
PDBHKC(4):  checkpoint is 3691268
PDBHKC(4):  last deallocation scn is 2645444
PDBHKC(4):Datafile #13 has been copied to the standby.
PDBHKC(4):PDB Side Media Recovery started for pdbid(4)
PDBHKC(4):.... (PID:6103): Managed Recovery starting Real Time Apply [krsm.c:15865]
PDBHKC(4):max_pdb is 4
PDBHKC(4):.... (PID:6103): Media Recovery Waiting for T-1.S-29 (in transit) [krsm.c:6185]
PDBHKC(4):Media Recovery of Online Log [Thread=1, Seq=29]
PDBHKC(4):Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 5 Seq 29 Reading mem 0
PDBHKC(4):  Mem# 0: /u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/onlinelog/o1_mf_5_k5yt8yjw_.log
PDBHKC(4):The merge request has been submitted by side recovery for pdbid 4
PR00 (PID:1896): Background Media Recovery cancelled with status 16037 [krd.c:27039]
PSR: Background Media Recovery will be reactivated in an attempt to take over PDB side recovery sessions
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/db213h1_stdby/DB213H1/trace/DB213H1_pr00_1896.trc:
ORA-16037: user requested cancel of managed recovery operation
PR00 (PID:1896): Managed Recovery not using Real Time Apply [krsm.c:15876]
Recovery interrupted!
Recovered data files to a consistent state at change 3691276
Stopping change tracking
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/db213h1_stdby/DB213H1/trace/DB213H1_pr00_1896.trc:
ORA-16037: user requested cancel of managed recovery operation
PDBHKC(4):.... (PID:6103): Side Recovery Complete [krds.c:1584]
all data files of pdbid 4 are brought online.
 Started logmerger process

IM on ADG: Start of Empty Journal

IM on ADG: End of Empty Journal
PR00 (PID:6144): Managed Recovery starting Real Time Apply [krsm.c:15865]
max_pdb is 4
Parallel Media Recovery started with 4 slaves
Stopping change tracking
PR00 (PID:6144): Media Recovery Waiting for T-1.S-29 (in transit) [krsm.c:6185]
Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 5 Seq 29 Reading mem 0
  Mem# 0: /u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/onlinelog/o1_mf_5_k5yt8yjw_.log
 rfs (PID:2029): Opened LNO:4 for DBID:3870017436 B-1102494684.T-1.S-30 [krsr.c:18143]
ARC1 (PID:1786): Archived Log entry 11 added for B-1102494684.T-1.S-29 ID 0x7f21e6abae9c LAD:1 [krse.c:4933]
PR00 (PID:6144): Media Recovery Waiting for T-1.S-30 (in transit) [krsm.c:6185]
Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 4 Seq 30 Reading mem 0
  Mem# 0: /u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/onlinelog/o1_mf_4_k5yt8y5f_.log

Note the messages 
"PDBHKC(4):PSR[4]: the incarnation of data files don't match, so we are trying to fetch data files again from the primary database."
"PDBHKC(4):Media Recovery failed with error 65138"
"PDBHKC(4):ORA-65138 is signaled while preparing the media recovery."
"PDBHKC(4):Full restore complete of datafile ..<fileid>" for each datafile in the PDB
"PDBHKC(4):Datafile #<fileid> has been copied to the standby." for each datafile in the PDB
"PDBHKC(4):PDB Side Media Recovery started for pdbid(4)"
"PDBHKC(4):.... (PID:6103): Managed Recovery starting Real Time Apply [krsm.c:15865]"
"PDBHKC(4):The merge request has been submitted by side recovery for pdbid 4"
"PR00 (PID:1896): Background Media Recovery cancelled with status 16037 [krd.c:27039]"
"PSR: Background Media Recovery will be reactivated in an attempt to take over PDB side recovery sessions"
"ORA-16037: user requested cancel of managed recovery operation"
"PR00 (PID:1896): Managed Recovery not using Real Time Apply [krsm.c:15876]"
"PDBHKC(4):.... (PID:6103): Side Recovery Complete [krds.c:1584]"
"all data files of pdbid 4 are brought online."
" Started logmerger process" 
"PR00 (PID:6144): Managed Recovery starting Real Time Apply [krsm.c:15865]"

These messages would relate to the new 12c feature "PDB Recovery Isolation" whereby Oracle DataGuard detects that one PDB has to be recovered separately -- i.e. using a separate background session.  (this seems to be called "side recovery" in the messages)

Here are the ORA error descriptions :

65138, 00000, "Data file %s of pluggable database %s belongs to an orphan PDB incarnation."
// *Cause: Either the specified data file was restored from a backup that was
//         taken during a period of time that was  discarded by
//         a RESETLOGS operation, or Oracle could not identify which pluggable
//         database incarnation the file belongs to. One would also encounter
//         this error if a pluggable database (PDB) flashback or restore was
//         performed to an orphan PDB incarnation followed by complete
//         recovery of the PDB. The alert log contains more information.
// *Action: Restore a backup of this file that belonged to either the current
//          or a prior incarnation of the pluggable database.  If you are using
//          RMAN to restore, RMAN will automatically select a correct backup.
//          If you are using Flashback, then perform flashback to a point
//          prior to the start of the orphan incarnation.

16037, 00000, "user requested cancel of managed recovery operation"
// *Cause:  The managed standby database recovery operation has been
//          canceled per user request.
// *Action: No action is required.

16037 is a standard message because Oracle stops media recovery for a while.

However, this behaviour indicates that Oracle actually attempts to copy the entire PDB from the Primary to the Standby.  It would be interesting to see how it works with an available backup of the PDB at the Standby -- particularly so if the PDB is very large and copy-over-the-network would take time.

15 April, 2022

A Fresh Look at AWR Reports --- 4 : SQL*Net Waits

 After the first three posts on CPU Usage, Redo Size and I/O Profile, I present my interpretation of SQL*Net waits.

From the same AWR Report as the first three reviews, I have extracted the specific SQL*Net waits from the Foreground Wait Events table:

SQL*Net Waits from the Foreground Waits Table

"SQL*Net more data from client" waits occur when the server process hasn't received the required data (e.g. an INSERT statement data) within 1 network packet and has to wait to receive more more.  "SQL*Net more data to client" is the reverse -- the client has requested, say a large row or dataset that doesn't fit into 1 network packet.  The network packet size is determined essentially by two parameters "Session Data Unit" (aka "SDU") and "Transport Data Unit" (aka "TDU").  When sending rows out of the server, it can automatically also do compression also. ARRAYSIZE (or Fetch Size, depending on your client code, in java) can also achieve some compression. TDU is obsolete in all recent versions but SDU can still be tuned.  For guidance on tuning SDU,  section 14.2 of the Tuning Guide.

"SQL*Net message to client" doesn't really show time taken to send the message (e.g. sql select statement result or execution of commit) to the client.  It is actually the time taken by the Server Process to put the results on to the Network Layer on the DB Server.  Beyond that, the Oracle Server Process does *not* how long it takes for the data to reach the client (whether a user desktop or an application server / middle-tier).  The actual time would depend on network latency and bandwidth.  So, you can interpret the number of occurrences of the Wait Event but NOT the time.

"SQL*Net break/reset" would be presented when an error occurs or an unhandled exception is raised. A high number of such waits indicate repeated occurrences of errors in SQL calls.

"SQL*Net message from client" may or may not be a problem (and that is why Oracle does not include it in % DB time).  There are different manifestations of this event :

1. The database server has sent a row or a set of rows (depending on arraysize or fetchsize) and is waiting for the client / application server to acknowledge and request the next set of rows.  The client could be a user who is running, say, SQL*Developer, and has seen the first 50 rows of a 1000 row result set but has walked away from his desk to get some coffee and has not yet requested the next set of 50 rows. (Yes, it is true that SQL*Developer and most clients do NOT fetch and present all the rows to the user immediately, this is is done in batches -- the parameter is configurable in most client or java programs).  The user may come back 5minutes or 30minutes later and ask for the next 50 rows.  Till then, the Oracle Server Process is "waiting" on this event.

2. It could also be an application server / middle tier that is formatting / sorting the rows or is writing the results to disk or is joining this set of rows with another data set (even from another source -- e.g. an ODBC connection, an Excel file etc) and is taking some milliseconds to do so.  Till then, the Oracle Server Process may be "waiting" on this event.

3. The database server has sent the results of a query (or success of execution of a DML) to the client / application server and is waiting for the next SQL call.  The next SQL call could be a COMMIT (or ROLLBACK) or any INSERT/UPDATE/DML statement.  It may come 1second later or it may come 30minutes later or it may come 10hours later.  As long as the client / application server has maintained a session on the Database, the Oracle Server Process will be "waiting" on this event.

Other than the above set of "Wait" Events relating to a client / application server, there may occur exactly the same Events relating to a Database Link. :  "SQL*Net more data from/to dblink",  "SQL*Net message from/to dblink" and SQL*Net break/reset to dblink".  They don't appear in my AWR because my example load does not include Database Links to / from other databases.  But you need to interpret them as well.  For example, if you have Database Links for periodic refresh's of Materialized Views between Databases, you may well see such "SQL*Net message" and "SQL*Net more data" waits relating to "dblink"s.

02 April, 2022

A Fresh Look at AWR Reports -- 3 : I/O Profile

 After viewing CPU Usage and Redo Size statistics, here's a look at the I/O Profile.

Here's the header which indicates that this AWR report is for duration of 2hours on 19c on Windows :

AWR Header

Instead of the Load Profile, this time I will skip directly to the I/O Profile section :

I/O Profile

In the above table, "Database" seems to include both "Datafile" and "Tempfile".

Also, for some co-relation, the IOStat section :

IOStat by Filetype Summary

As I've already mentioned in my previous 2 posts, the load I that I generated was more I/O Intensive than CPU Intensive.
Here we can see a break-down of the I/O Profile.  I am more interested in the *Writes*.

From the previous post, we've already seen that 20GB of writes were for Duplexed Online Redo Logs and 10GB for ArchiveLogs.
But what about the rate per second ?

Online Redo Log file writes were 2.7MB/second.

Datafile + Tempfile writes were 3.3MB/second.  Note that Tempfile I/O was higher than Datafile I/O.

Although Datafile requests per second were higher, Datafile writes by DBWR may well be in smaller batches (i.e. fewer blocks at each write) --- more I/O calls (85.59), less total written bytes (1.388M).  This is in the nature of DBWR behaviour as DBWR periodically "collects" dirty buffers to flush to disk.

Writes to Tempfile for Sort/GroupBy operations (10.59 for 1.89M) can be more blocks per call.  This is because such operations can consist of large number of blocks in each sesssion. The writes are from PGA, not the Buffer Cache in the SGA.

So, what could have been happening here, that Tempfile writes were so high, relative to Datafile writes ?  Sort Operations, Group By Queries, Create / Rebuild Index operations.

Note : Create / Rebuild operations are unlikely to be all visible in the SQL Statements section of the AWR report because, as DDL statements, they get invalidated and aged out of the Shared Pool quickly before each AWR Snapshot run.  Yet, their I/O profile is visible in the IO Sections of the AWR Report).
Create/Rebuild Index operations do not generate Redo for their Tempfile writes but *do* generate Redo for their Datafile writes if they are not executed as NoLogging operations.