In my previous blog post, where I demonstrated PDB Flashback, I had alluded to the "PDB Recovery Isolation" feature of 21c.
Here is a demonstration.
On the Primary, I issue only two commands to create a new PDB from an *existing, active* PDB (a PDB that is in Read-Write mode and is not PDB$SEED) : The source PDBHKC is active and you will notice the Archive Log Sequence# being incremented significantly as transactions are in-flight and continuing while PDBKC is being CREATEd and OPENed.
SQL> create pluggable database pdbnew from pdbhkc; Pluggable database created. SQL> alter pluggable database pdbnew open; Pluggable database altered. SQL> quit
These are the relevant Primary Database Alert entries (not every entry) :
2022-05-08T22:32:56.582810+08:00 create pluggable database pdbnew from pdbhkc 2022-05-08T22:33:02.783531+08:00 PDBNEW(6):Endian type of dictionary set to little 2022-05-08T22:33:03.103173+08:00 **************************************************************** Pluggable Database PDBNEW with pdb id - 6 is created as UNUSABLE. If any errors are encountered before the pdb is marked as NEW, then the pdb must be dropped local undo-1, localundoscn-0x000000000000011d **************************************************************** PDBNEW(6):Media Recovery Start 2022-05-08T22:33:03.293420+08:00 PDBNEW(6):Serial Media Recovery started PDBNEW(6):max_pdb is 6 2022-05-08T22:33:03.393288+08:00 PDBNEW(6):Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 1 Seq 73 Reading mem 0 PDBNEW(6): Mem# 0: /u02/oradata/DB213H1/redo01.log 2022-05-08T22:33:03.541053+08:00 Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 75 (LGWR switch), current SCN: 4931897 Current log# 3 seq# 75 mem# 0: /u02/oradata/DB213H1/redo03.log 2022-05-08T22:33:03.541508+08:00 PDBNEW(6):Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 2 Seq 74 Reading mem 0 PDBNEW(6): Mem# 0: /u02/oradata/DB213H1/redo02.log 2022-05-08T22:33:03.598468+08:00 PDBNEW(6):Incomplete Recovery applied until change 4931866 time 05/08/2022 22:33:02 PDBNEW(6):NET (PID:16256): Media Recovery Complete [dbsdrv.c:15048] 2022-05-08T22:33:03.615889+08:00 NET (PID:16388): Archived Log entry 119 added for B-1102494684.T-1.S-74 ID 0x7fbfe6abae9c LAD:1 [krse.c:4933] 2022-05-08T22:33:03.786205+08:00 PDBNEW(6):Pluggable database PDBNEW pseudo opening PDBNEW(6):SUPLOG: Initialize PDB SUPLOG SGA, old value 0x0, new value 0x18 PDBNEW(6):Autotune of undo retention is turned on. PDBNEW(6):Undo initialization recovery: Parallel FPTR failed: start:15704441 end:15704446 diff:5 ms (0.0 seconds) PDBNEW(6):Undo initialization recovery: err:0 start: 15704439 end: 15704511 diff: 72 ms (0.1 seconds) PDBNEW(6):[16256] Successfully onlined Undo Tablespace 2. PDBNEW(6):Undo initialization online undo segments: err:0 start: 15704512 end: 15704530 diff: 18 ms (0.0 seconds) PDBNEW(6):Undo initialization finished serial:0 start:15704439 end:15704538 diff:99 ms (0.1 seconds) PDBNEW(6):Database Characterset for PDBNEW is AL32UTF8 PDBNEW(6):Pluggable database PDBNEW pseudo closing PDBNEW(6):JIT: pid 16256 requesting stop PDBNEW(6):Closing sequence subsystem (15704602605). PDBNEW(6):Buffer Cache flush started: 6 PDBNEW(6):Buffer Cache flush finished: 6 Completed: create pluggable database pdbnew from pdbhkc 2022-05-08T22:33:18.209272+08:00 alter pluggable database pdbnew open 2022-05-08T22:33:18.210926+08:00 PDBNEW(6):Pluggable database PDBNEW opening in read write PDBNEW(6):SUPLOG: Initialize PDB SUPLOG SGA, old value 0x0, new value 0x18 PDBNEW(6):Autotune of undo retention is turned on. PDBNEW(6):Endian type of dictionary set to little PDBNEW(6):Undo initialization recovery: Parallel FPTR complete: start:15718778 end:15718780 diff:2 ms (0.0 seconds) PDBNEW(6):Undo initialization recovery: err:0 start: 15718778 end: 15718780 diff: 2 ms (0.0 seconds) PDBNEW(6):[16256] Successfully onlined Undo Tablespace 2. PDBNEW(6):Undo initialization online undo segments: err:0 start: 15718780 end: 15718873 diff: 93 ms (0.1 seconds) PDBNEW(6):Undo initialization finished serial:0 start:15718778 end:15718875 diff:97 ms (0.1 seconds) PDBNEW(6):Database Characterset for PDBNEW is AL32UTF8 PDBNEW(6):Deleting old file#13 from file$ PDBNEW(6):Deleting old file#14 from file$ PDBNEW(6):Deleting old file#15 from file$ PDBNEW(6):Adding new file#22 to file$(old file#13). fopr-1, newblks-35840, oldblks-19200 PDBNEW(6):Adding new file#23 to file$(old file#14). fopr-1, newblks-47360, oldblks-15360 PDBNEW(6):Adding new file#24 to file$(old file#15). fopr-1, newblks-12800, oldblks-12800 PDBNEW(6):Successfully created internal service PDBNEW at open **************************************************************** Post plug operations are now complete. Pluggable database PDBNEW with pdb id - 6 is now marked as NEW. **************************************************************** PDBNEW(6):SUPLOG: Set PDB SUPLOG SGA at PDB OPEN, old 0x18, new 0x0 (no suplog) 2022-05-08T22:33:21.760166+08:00 Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 81 (LGWR switch), current SCN: 4933127 Current log# 3 seq# 81 mem# 0: /u02/oradata/DB213H1/redo03.log 2022-05-08T22:33:23.162867+08:00 PDBNEW(6):Opening pdb with no Resource Manager plan active Pluggable database PDBNEW opened read write Completed: alter pluggable database pdbnew open
(The "Deleting old file#" and "Adding new file#" entries are simply about updating the controlfile)
Note that Log Sequence# has moved from 72 to 81 during the course of the CREATE and OPEN of the new PDB.
These are the Standby Alert Log entries :
2022-05-08T22:32:57.237583+08:00 ARC0 (PID:1354): Archived Log entry 55 added for B-1102494684.T-1.S-73 ID 0x7f7ae6abae9c LAD:1 [krse.c:4933] 2022-05-08T22:32:57.237902+08:00 rfs (PID:12549): Opened LNO:5 for DBID:3870017436 B-1102494684.T-1.S-74 [krsr.c:18143] 2022-05-08T22:32:57.386776+08:00 PR00 (PID:1438): Media Recovery Waiting for T-1.S-74 (in transit) [krsm.c:6185] 2022-05-08T22:32:57.388789+08:00 Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 5 Seq 74 Reading mem 0 Mem# 0: /u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/onlinelog/o1_mf_5_k5yt8yjw_.log 2022-05-08T22:33:02.900342+08:00 Recovery created pluggable database PDBNEW PDBNEW(6):Tablespace-SYSTEM during PDB create offlined since source is in r/w mode or this is a refresh clone PDBNEW(6):File #22 added to control file as '/u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/DE81F2476C7F3F80E0538338A8C0063E/datafile/o1_mf_system_k7ho4s6r_.dbf'. PDBNEW(6):Tablespace-SYSAUX during PDB create offlined since source is in r/w mode or this is a refresh clone PDBNEW(6):File #23 added to control file as '/u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/DE81F2476C7F3F80E0538338A8C0063E/datafile/o1_mf_sysaux_k7ho4s6s_.dbf'. PDBNEW(6):Tablespace-UNDOTBS1 during PDB create offlined since source is in r/w mode or this is a refresh clone PDBNEW(6):File #24 added to control file as '/u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/DE81F2476C7F3F80E0538338A8C0063E/datafile/o1_mf_undotbs1_k7ho4s6t_.dbf'. PDBNEW(6):Tablespace-TEMP during PDB create offlined since source is in r/w mode or this is a refresh clone 2022-05-08T22:33:03.709388+08:00 rfs (PID:12549): Opened LNO:4 for DBID:3870017436 B-1102494684.T-1.S-75 [krsr.c:18143] 2022-05-08T22:33:03.724813+08:00 ARC2 (PID:1362): Archived Log entry 56 added for B-1102494684.T-1.S-74 ID 0x7fbbe6abae9c LAD:1 [krse.c:4933] 2022-05-08T22:33:04.051241+08:00 PR00 (PID:1438): Media Recovery Waiting for T-1.S-75 (in transit) [krsm.c:6185] 2022-05-08T22:33:04.052945+08:00 Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 4 Seq 75 Reading mem 0 Mem# 0: /u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/onlinelog/o1_mf_4_k5yt8y5f_.log 2022-05-08T22:33:07.786948+08:00 rfs (PID:12549): Opened LNO:5 for DBID:3870017436 B-1102494684.T-1.S-76 [krsr.c:18143] 2022-05-08T22:33:07.811804+08:00 ARC0 (PID:1354): Archived Log entry 57 added for B-1102494684.T-1.S-75 ID 0x7f7ae6abae9c LAD:1 [krse.c:4933] 2022-05-08T22:33:07.926136+08:00 PR00 (PID:1438): Media Recovery Waiting for T-1.S-76 (in transit) [krsm.c:6185] 2022-05-08T22:33:07.927698+08:00 Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 5 Seq 76 Reading mem 0 Mem# 0: /u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/onlinelog/o1_mf_5_k5yt8yjw_.log 2022-05-08T22:33:08.525489+08:00 PDBNEW(6):Full restore complete of datafile 24 /u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/DE81F2476C7F3F80E0538338A8C0063E/datafile/o1_mf_undotbs1_k7ho53ny_.dbf. Elapsed time: 0:00:01 PDBNEW(6): checkpoint is 4932003 PDBNEW(6): last deallocation scn is 3928601 PDBNEW(6):Datafile #24 has been copied to the standby. 2022-05-08T22:33:11.424337+08:00 rfs (PID:12549): Opened LNO:4 for DBID:3870017436 B-1102494684.T-1.S-77 [krsr.c:18143] 2022-05-08T22:33:11.492712+08:00 PR00 (PID:1438): Media Recovery Waiting for T-1.S-77 (in transit) [krsm.c:6185] 2022-05-08T22:33:11.494117+08:00 ARC2 (PID:1362): Archived Log entry 58 added for B-1102494684.T-1.S-76 ID 0x7fbbe6abae9c LAD:1 [krse.c:4933] 2022-05-08T22:33:11.552303+08:00 Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 4 Seq 77 Reading mem 0 Mem# 0: /u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/onlinelog/o1_mf_4_k5yt8y5f_.log 2022-05-08T22:33:12.363978+08:00 PDBNEW(6):Full restore complete of datafile 23 /u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/DE81F2476C7F3F80E0538338A8C0063E/datafile/o1_mf_sysaux_k7ho54o6_.dbf. Elapsed time: 0:00:04 PDBNEW(6): checkpoint is 4932003 PDBNEW(6): last deallocation scn is 3862144 PDBNEW(6):Datafile #23 has been copied to the standby. 2022-05-08T22:33:14.572554+08:00 rfs (PID:12549): Opened LNO:5 for DBID:3870017436 B-1102494684.T-1.S-78 [krsr.c:18143] 2022-05-08T22:33:14.572781+08:00 Trying to expand controlfile section 11 for Oracle Managed Files Expanded controlfile section 11 from 56 to 112 records Requested to grow by 56 records; added 2 blocks of records 2022-05-08T22:33:14.585789+08:00 ARC0 (PID:1354): Archived Log entry 59 added for B-1102494684.T-1.S-77 ID 0x7f7ae6abae9c LAD:1 [krse.c:4933] 2022-05-08T22:33:14.650210+08:00 PR00 (PID:1438): Media Recovery Waiting for T-1.S-78 (in transit) [krsm.c:6185] 2022-05-08T22:33:14.698805+08:00 Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 5 Seq 78 Reading mem 0 Mem# 0: /u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/onlinelog/o1_mf_5_k5yt8yjw_.log 2022-05-08T22:33:15.936076+08:00 PDBNEW(6):Full restore complete of datafile 22 /u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/DE81F2476C7F3F80E0538338A8C0063E/datafile/o1_mf_system_k7ho58jz_.dbf. Elapsed time: 0:00:03 PDBNEW(6): checkpoint is 4932003 PDBNEW(6): last deallocation scn is 3860354 PDBNEW(6):Datafile #22 has been copied to the standby. 2022-05-08T22:33:15.948328+08:00 PDBNEW(6):PDB Side Media Recovery started for pdbid(6) PDBNEW(6):.... (PID:12667): Managed Recovery starting Real Time Apply [krsm.c:15865] PDBNEW(6):max_pdb is 6 2022-05-08T22:33:16.031099+08:00 PDBNEW(6):Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/DB213H1_STDBY/archivelog/2022_05_08/o1_mf_1_75_k7ho53pg_.arc 2022-05-08T22:33:16.045816+08:00 PDBNEW(6):Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/DB213H1_STDBY/archivelog/2022_05_08/o1_mf_1_76_k7ho57fz_.arc 2022-05-08T22:33:16.076227+08:00 PDBNEW(6):Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/DB213H1_STDBY/archivelog/2022_05_08/o1_mf_1_77_k7ho5bgp_.arc PDBNEW(6):.... (PID:12667): Media Recovery Waiting for T-1.S-78 (in transit) [krsm.c:6185] 2022-05-08T22:33:16.106119+08:00 PDBNEW(6):Media Recovery of Online Log [Thread=1, Seq=78] 2022-05-08T22:33:16.106586+08:00 PDBNEW(6):Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 5 Seq 78 Reading mem 0 PDBNEW(6): Mem# 0: /u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/onlinelog/o1_mf_5_k5yt8yjw_.log PDBNEW(6):PSR[6]:influxScn=4932081,nxtCkptScn=4932081,minScn=4932004,krdsini=0,krsmrs=9082,nof=0,kcvrlc=1102494684,kcvrls=2601843 PDBNEW(6):The merge request has been submitted by side recovery for pdbid 6 2022-05-08T22:33:16.114934+08:00 PR00 (PID:1438): Background Media Recovery cancelled with status 16037 [krd.c:27039] PSR: Background Media Recovery will be reactivated in an attempt to take over PDB side recovery sessions 2022-05-08T22:33:16.119431+08:00 Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/db213h1_stdby/DB213H1/trace/DB213H1_pr00_1438.trc: ORA-16037: user requested cancel of managed recovery operation PR00 (PID:1438): Managed Recovery not using Real Time Apply [krsm.c:15876] Recovery interrupted! Recovered data files to a consistent state at change 4932082 Stopping change tracking 2022-05-08T22:33:16.347544+08:00 Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/db213h1_stdby/DB213H1/trace/DB213H1_pr00_1438.trc: ORA-16037: user requested cancel of managed recovery operation 2022-05-08T22:33:17.205906+08:00 PDBNEW(6):.... (PID:12667): Side Recovery Complete [krds.c:1584] 2022-05-08T22:33:17.250805+08:00 ARC3 (PID:1364): Archived Log entry 60 added for B-1102494684.T-1.S-78 ID 0x7fd0e6abae9c LAD:1 [krse.c:4933] 2022-05-08T22:33:17.251185+08:00 rfs (PID:12549): Opened LNO:4 for DBID:3870017436 B-1102494684.T-1.S-79 [krsr.c:18143] 2022-05-08T22:33:20.411643+08:00 ARC1 (PID:1360): Archived Log entry 61 added for B-1102494684.T-1.S-79 ID 0x7fd1e6abae9c LAD:1 [krse.c:4933] 2022-05-08T22:33:20.411942+08:00 rfs (PID:12549): Opened LNO:5 for DBID:3870017436 B-1102494684.T-1.S-80 [krsr.c:18143] 2022-05-08T22:33:21.944250+08:00 rfs (PID:12549): Opened LNO:4 for DBID:3870017436 B-1102494684.T-1.S-81 [krsr.c:18143] 2022-05-08T22:33:21.944465+08:00 ARC2 (PID:1362): Archived Log entry 62 added for B-1102494684.T-1.S-80 ID 0x7fbbe6abae9c LAD:1 [krse.c:4933]
I have extracted below the important entries on the Standby that show the behaviour of PDB Recovery Isolation --- that Oracle at the Standby handles Recovery of the new PDB separately
2022-05-08T22:33:02.900342+08:00 Recovery created pluggable database PDBNEW PDBNEW(6):Tablespace-SYSTEM during PDB create offlined since source is in r/w mode or this is a refresh clone PDBNEW(6):File #22 added to control file as '/u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/DE81F2476C7F3F80E0538338A8C0063E/datafile/o1_mf_system_k7ho4s6r_.dbf'. PDBNEW(6):Tablespace-SYSAUX during PDB create offlined since source is in r/w mode or this is a refresh clone PDBNEW(6):File #23 added to control file as '/u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/DE81F2476C7F3F80E0538338A8C0063E/datafile/o1_mf_sysaux_k7ho4s6s_.dbf'. PDBNEW(6):Tablespace-UNDOTBS1 during PDB create offlined since source is in r/w mode or this is a refresh clone PDBNEW(6):File #24 added to control file as '/u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/DE81F2476C7F3F80E0538338A8C0063E/datafile/o1_mf_undotbs1_k7ho4s6t_.dbf'. PDBNEW(6):Tablespace-TEMP during PDB create offlined since source is in r/w mode or this is a refresh clone PDBNEW(6):PDB Side Media Recovery started for pdbid(6) PDBNEW(6):.... (PID:12667): Managed Recovery starting Real Time Apply [krsm.c:15865] PDBNEW(6):max_pdb is 6 PDBNEW(6):Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 5 Seq 78 Reading mem 0 PDBNEW(6): Mem# 0: /u02/oradata/DB213H1_STDBY/onlinelog/o1_mf_5_k5yt8yjw_.log PDBNEW(6):PSR[6]:influxScn=4932081,nxtCkptScn=4932081,minScn=4932004,krdsini=0,krsmrs=9082,nof=0,kcvrlc=1102494684,kcvrls=2601843 PDBNEW(6):The merge request has been submitted by side recovery for pdbid 6 2022-05-08T22:33:16.114934+08:00 PR00 (PID:1438): Background Media Recovery cancelled with status 16037 [krd.c:27039] PSR: Background Media Recovery will be reactivated in an attempt to take over PDB side recovery sessions 2022-05-08T22:33:16.119431+08:00 Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/db213h1_stdby/DB213H1/trace/DB213H1_pr00_1438.trc: ORA-16037: user requested cancel of managed recovery operation PR00 (PID:1438): Managed Recovery not using Real Time Apply [krsm.c:15876] Recovery interrupted! Recovered data files to a consistent state at change 4932082 Stopping change tracking 2022-05-08T22:33:16.347544+08:00 Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/db213h1_stdby/DB213H1/trace/DB213H1_pr00_1438.trc: ORA-16037: user requested cancel of managed recovery operation 2022-05-08T22:33:17.205906+08:00 PDBNEW(6):.... (PID:12667): Side Recovery Complete [krds.c:1584] 2022-05-08T22:33:17.250805+08:00 ARC3 (PID:1364): Archived Log entry 60 added for B-1102494684.T-1.S-78 ID 0x7fd0e6abae9c LAD:1 [krse.c:4933] 2022-05-08T22:33:17.251185+08:00 rfs (PID:12549): Opened LNO:4 for DBID:3870017436 B-1102494684.T-1.S-79 [krsr.c:18143] 2022-05-08T22:33:20.411643+08:00 ARC1 (PID:1360): Archived Log entry 61 added for B-1102494684.T-1.S-79 ID 0x7fd1e6abae9c LAD:1 [krse.c:4933] 2022-05-08T22:33:20.411942+08:00 rfs (PID:12549): Opened LNO:5 for DBID:3870017436 B-1102494684.T-1.S-80 [krsr.c:18143] 2022-05-08T22:33:21.944250+08:00 rfs (PID:12549): Opened LNO:4 for DBID:3870017436 B-1102494684.T-1.S-81 [krsr.c:18143] 2022-05-08T22:33:21.944465+08:00 ARC2 (PID:1362): Archived Log entry 62 added for B-1102494684.T-1.S-80 ID 0x7fbbe6abae9c LAD:1 [krse.c:4933] 2022-05-08T22:33:37.537823+08:00 all data files of pdbid 6 are brought online. Started logmerger process 2022-05-08T22:33:37.592170+08:00 IM on ADG: Start of Empty Journal IM on ADG: End of Empty Journal PR00 (PID:12697): Managed Recovery starting Real Time Apply [krsm.c:15865] max_pdb is 6 2022-05-08T22:33:37.736778+08:00 Parallel Media Recovery started with 2 slaves 2022-05-08T22:33:37.858641+08:00 Stopping change tracking 2022-05-08T22:33:37.914220+08:00 PR00 (PID:12697): Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/DB213H1_STDBY/archivelog/2022_05_08/o1_mf_1_78_k7ho5f5y_.arc [krd.c:9408] 2022-05-08T22:33:38.024387+08:00 PR00 (PID:12697): Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/DB213H1_STDBY/archivelog/2022_05_08/o1_mf_1_79_k7ho5jc9_.arc [krd.c:9408] 2022-05-08T22:33:38.548017+08:00 PR00 (PID:12697): Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/DB213H1_STDBY/archivelog/2022_05_08/o1_mf_1_80_k7ho5kvg_.arc [krd.c:9408] 2022-05-08T22:33:38.764339+08:00 PR00 (PID:12697): Media Recovery Waiting for T-1.S-81 (in transit) [krsm.c:6185] 2022-05-08T22:33:38.764667+08:00 Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 4 Seq 81 Reading mem 0
First, it identifies that the Source PDB is in Read-Write mode.
Then it begins a "Side Media Recovery" for the new PDB PDBNEW(6).
Later, it temporarily halts recovery of the full Standby CDB to merge the "Side Recovery".
Finally, it resumes "normal" Recovery of the Standby from ArchiveLog Sequence 78 onwards.
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