I had heard of Data Use Case Domains in 23ai. However, the New Features nd Database Concepts documentation didn't provide enough examples for me to build on.
However, this blog post by Ulrike Schwinn (which was shared by @thatjeffsmith on X) helped me explore domains.
In this demo, I am using the Pre-Seeded Domains. However, you can see the example posted by Ulrike Schwimm or even read in the Database Concepts documentation to help build your own custom Domains.
A Data Use Case Domain is like defining a Custom DataType such that only valid values are permitted. The Domain name can be a self-identifier (just as "DATE" or "NUMBER" identifies the type of data being stored).
Here is my demonstration (I also use the Annotations feature -- the Data Use Case Domains documentation links above also lead to this feature)
SQL> set pages600 linesize 132 SQL> col contact_person format a32 SQL> col contact_email format a24 SQL> SQL> drop table forex_rates_contacts; Table dropped. SQL> SQL> SQL> create table forex_rates_contacts 2 ( 3 country_iso_code varchar2(3) domain country_code_d, -- preseeded SYS domain 4 currency_code varchar2(3) domain currency_code_d, -- preseeded SYS domain 5 contact_person varchar2(128), 6 contact_email varchar2(4000) domain email_d -- preseed SYS domain 7 ) 8 annotations (display 'Forex Contact Persons') 9 / Table created. SQL> SQL> desc forex_rates_contacts Name Null? Type ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- ------------------------------------------------- COUNTRY_ISO_CODE VARCHAR2(3) SYS.COUNTRY_CODE_D CURRENCY_CODE VARCHAR2(3) SYS.CURRENCY_CODE_D CONTACT_PERSON VARCHAR2(128) CONTACT_EMAIL VARCHAR2(4000) SYS.EMAIL_D SQL> SQL> SQL> set long 1000 SQL> set longc 1000 SQL> set serveroutput on SQL> SQL> rem FROM clause is no longer required in 23ai SQL> select dbms_metadata.get_ddl('TABLE','FOREX_RATES_CONTACTS','HEMANT'); DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL('TABLE','FOREX_RATES_CONTACTS','HEMANT') ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CREATE TABLE "HEMANT"."FOREX_RATES_CONTACTS" ( "COUNTRY_ISO_CODE" VARCHAR2(3) DOMAIN "SYS"."COUNTRY_CODE_D", "CURRENCY_CODE" VARCHAR2(3) DOMAIN "SYS"."CURRENCY_CODE_D", "CONTACT_PERSON" VARCHAR2(128), "CONTACT_EMAIL" VARCHAR2(4000) DOMAIN "SYS"."EMAIL_D" ) SEGMENT CREATION DEFERRED PCTFREE 10 PCTUSED 40 INITRANS 1 MAXTRANS 255 NOCOMPRESS LOGGING TABLESPACE "USERS" ANNOTATIONS("DISPLAY" 'Forex Contact Persons') SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> rem MULTI-ROW Insert SQL> insert into forex_rates_contacts 2 values 3 ('US','USD','Mr Unknown','unknown@nowhere.gov'), 4 ('IN','INR','Someone at RBI','someone@rbi.gov.in') 5 / 2 rows created. SQL> SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> SQL> select * from forex_rates_contacts 2 order by country_iso_code 3 / COU CUR CONTACT_PERSON CONTACT_EMAIL --- --- -------------------------------- ------------------------ IN INR Someone at RBI someone@rbi.gov.in US USD Mr Unknown unknown@nowhere.gov SQL> SQL> -- Note that the country_code_d and currency_code_d do not check validity against really ISO codes SQL> -- thus, it does not disallow "ZZ" and "ZZZ" SQL> insert into forex_rates_contacts 2 values 3 ('ZZ','ZZZ','Mr Unknown','unknown@nowhere.zz') 4 / 1 row created. SQL> SQL> select * from forex_rates_contacts 2 order by country_iso_code 3 / COU CUR CONTACT_PERSON CONTACT_EMAIL --- --- -------------------------------- ------------------------ IN INR Someone at RBI someone@rbi.gov.in US USD Mr Unknown unknown@nowhere.gov ZZ ZZZ Mr Unknown unknown@nowhere.zz SQL> SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> SQL> -- But the rules for email validation are encoded SQL> insert into forex_rates_contacts 2 values 3 ('UK','GBP','Mr Someone','someone@x') 4 / insert into forex_rates_contacts * ERROR at line 1: ORA-11534: check constraint (HEMANT.SYS_C0013464) involving column CONTACT_EMAIL due to domain constraint SYS.SYS_DOMAIN_C0030 of domain SYS.EMAIL_D violated Help: https://docs.oracle.com/error-help/db/ora-11534/ SQL> SQL> select * from forex_rates_contacts 2 order by country_iso_code 3 / COU CUR CONTACT_PERSON CONTACT_EMAIL --- --- -------------------------------- ------------------------ IN INR Someone at RBI someone@rbi.gov.in US USD Mr Unknown unknown@nowhere.gov ZZ ZZZ Mr Unknown unknown@nowhere.zz SQL> SQL> spool off
I haven't added my own custom Domains but used the PreSeeded domains for Country, Currency and Email. Look at "10.1.12 Built-In Use Case Domains" in the documentation.
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