28 December, 2024

The GROUP BY column_position enhancement in 23ai

 Oracle 23ai allows specifying a Column Position (or Alias) in the GROUP BY clause.
For backward compatibility, the "group_by_position_enabled" parameter is a new feature that defaults to FALSE.

SQL> show parameter group_by_position_enabled

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
group_by_position_enabled            boolean     FALSE
SQL> alter session set group_by_position_enabled=TRUE;

Session altered.

SQL> select p.prod_name, t.day_name, sum(s.amount_sold)
  2  from sh.products p, sh.times t, sh.sales s
  3  where p.prod_id=s.prod_id
  4  and t.time_id=s.time_id
  5  and t.calendar_month_name = 'January'
  6  group by 1, 2
  7  order by 1, 2
  8  /

PROD_NAME                                          DAY_NAME  SUM(S.AMOUNT_SOLD)
-------------------------------------------------- --------- ------------------
11" Youth Field Master Glove                       Friday               4635.73
11" Youth Field Master Glove                       Monday               2903.62
11" Youth Field Master Glove                       Saturday             3636.85
11" Youth Field Master Glove                       Sunday               6602.18
11" Youth Field Master Glove                       Thursday             5696.37
11" Youth Field Master Glove                       Tuesday              2843.81
11" Youth Field Master Glove                       Wednesday            6072.04
11.5" Youth Triple Stripe Series Glove             Friday               6695.84
11.5" Youth Triple Stripe Series Glove             Monday               5436.28
11.5" Youth Triple Stripe Series Glove             Saturday              5653.8
11.5" Youth Triple Stripe Series Glove             Sunday              10909.86
multiple rows returned 
PROD_NAME                                          DAY_NAME  SUM(S.AMOUNT_SOLD)
-------------------------------------------------- --------- ------------------
Wicket Keeper Gloves                               Thursday             1550.94
Wicket Keeper Gloves                               Tuesday              3049.62
Wicket Keeper Gloves                               Wednesday            2583.16
Wide Brim Hat                                      Friday                189.28
Wide Brim Hat                                      Monday               1656.35
Wide Brim Hat                                      Saturday             1689.48
Wide Brim Hat                                      Sunday                 560.7
Wide Brim Hat                                      Thursday             1088.44
Wide Brim Hat                                      Tuesday              2855.67
Wide Brim Hat                                      Wednesday             250.19

461 rows selected.


This helps developers who already use the Column Position in the ORDER BY clause and can be consistent when writing the GROUP BY clause.
The HAVING clause also supports Column Aliases.

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