18 August, 2018

Partitioning -- 3b : More Indexes on a Partitioned Table

In the previous blog post, I had demonstrated a Global (Non-Partitioned) Index and a Local (Partitioned) Index.  A Global Index itself may be partitioned.  A Local Index is actually Equi-Partitioned with the Tablee.

Let me demonstrate a Global Partitioned Index on the same table now.

Given the SALES_DATA table which is partitioned by SALE_DATE, I might want to support queries by CUSTOMER_ID.  What if I have millions of customers?  My CUSTOMERS table might be partitioned by CUSTOMER_ID.  Can I have an Index on SALES_DATA that is also partitioned by CUSTOMER_ID ?

SQL> l
  1  create index sales_data_glbl_part_ndx_2
  2  on sales_data (customer_id)
  3  global
  4  partition by range (customer_id)
  5  (
  6   partition p_1 values less than (501000) tablespace new_indexes,
  7   partition p_2 values less than (1000001) tablespace new_indexes,
  8   partition p_3 values less than (1500001) tablespace new_indexes,
  9   partition p_4 values less than (maxvalue)
 10* )
SQL> /

Index created.


This is a Global Partitioned Index which is prefixed on a left prefix (CUSTOMER_ID) of the Index Column(s). Oracle does not support Global Partitioned Indexes that are non-prefixed.  Let me demonstrated the difference between the two.

SQL> drop index sales_data_glbl_part_ndx_2;

Index dropped.

SQL> l
  1  create index sales_data_glbl_part_ndx_2
  2  on sales_data (customer_id, sale_date)
  3  global
  4  partition by range (customer_id)
  5  (
  6   partition p_1 values less than (501000) tablespace new_indexes,
  7   partition p_2 values less than (1000001) tablespace new_indexes,
  8   partition p_3 values less than (1500001) tablespace new_indexes,
  9   partition p_4 values less than (maxvalue)
 10* )
SQL> /

Index created.

SQL> l
  1  create index sales_data_glbl_part_ndx_3
  2  on sales_data (sale_date)
  3  global
  4  partition by range (customer_id)
  5  (
  6   partition p_1 values less than (501000) tablespace new_indexes,
  7   partition p_2 values less than (1000001) tablespace new_indexes,
  8   partition p_3 values less than (1500001) tablespace new_indexes,
  9   partition p_4 values less than (maxvalue)
 10* )
SQL> /
partition by range (customer_id)
ERROR at line 4:
ORA-14038: GLOBAL partitioned index must be prefixed

SQL> !oerr ora 14038
14038, 00000, "GLOBAL partitioned index must be prefixed"
// *Cause:  User attempted to create a GLOBAL non-prefixed partitioned index
//          which is illegal
// *Action: If the user, indeed, desired to create a non-prefixed
//          index, it must be created as LOCAL; otherwise, correct the list 
//          of key and/or partitioning columns to ensure that the index is 
//          prefixed


My first attempt above is valid because the Index is partitioned on CUSTOMER_ID although it is defined on (CUSTOMER_ID, SALE_DATE).  Thus, it is partitioned on a left prefix. The second index attempt fails because the Partition Key (CUSTOMER_ID) is not a left prefix (part of) the Index key (SALE_DATE alone).

Remember : The Index I've created is  partitioned on CUSTOMER_ID while the Table itself is partitioned on SALE_DATE.
This Index is a Global Index so any Partition Maintenance operation (TRUNCATE, DROP, SPLIT, MERGE) may result in the *entire* Index becoming UNUSABLE unless the UPDATE INDEXES clause is used in the Partition Maintenance DDL statement.  This was demonstrated with the Primary Key index being a Global Index in my earlier blog post.

What about Bitmap Indexes ?  Can a Bitmap Index on a partitioned Table be either Global or Local ?  Oracle does not support Global Bitmap Indexes.  A Bitmap Index on a Partitioned Table has to be Local.

SQL> create bitmap index sales_data_glbl_ndx_4
  2  on sales_data(product_id)
  3  /
on sales_data(product_id)
ERROR at line 2:
ORA-25122: Only LOCAL bitmap indexes are permitted on partitioned tables

SQL> !oerr ora 25122
25122, 00000, "Only LOCAL bitmap indexes are permitted on partitioned tables"
// *Cause: An attempt was made to create a global bitmap index on a partioned
//         table.
// *Action: create a local bitmap index instead.

SQL> create bitmap index sales_data_lcl_ndx_2
  2  on sales_data(product_id) local
  3  /

Index created.

SQL> select partition_name, tablespace_name
  2  from user_tab_partitions
  3  where table_name = 'SALES_DATA'
  4  order by partition_position
  5  /

------------------------------ ------------------------------
P_2018                         TBS_YEAR_2018
P_2019                         TBS_YEAR_2019
P_2020                         TBS_YEAR_2020
P_MAXVALUE                     USERS

SQL> select partition_name, tablespace_name, status
  2  from user_ind_partitions
  3  where index_name = 'SALES_DATA_LCL_NDX_2'
  4  order by partition_position
  5  /

PARTITION_NAME                 TABLESPACE_NAME                STATUS
------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------
P_2018                         TBS_YEAR_2018                  USABLE
P_2019                         TBS_YEAR_2019                  USABLE
P_2020                         TBS_YEAR_2020                  USABLE
P_MAXVALUE                     USERS                          USABLE


As demonstrated earlier, a Local Index automatically inherits the Partition Name and Tablespace Name from the Table Partitions.

To summarise, these are the Indexes on my SALES_DATA table :

SQL> l        
  1  select index_name, index_type, partitioned, tablespace_name, status
  2  from user_indexes
  3* where table_name = 'SALES_DATA'
SQL> /

INDEX_NAME                     INDEX_TYPE                  PAR
------------------------------ --------------------------- ---
------------------------------ --------
SYS_C0017514                   NORMAL                      NO
HEMANT                         VALID

SALES_DATA_LCL_NDX_1           NORMAL                      YES

SALES_DATA_GLBL_PART_NDX_2     NORMAL                      YES

SALES_DATA_LCL_NDX_2           BITMAP                      YES


Remember that for a Partitioned Index (either Global or Local), the Tablespace Name and Status are attributes at the Partition definition level not at the Index definition.

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