Oracle's JVM in the database, available since 8i and also known as "OJVM" allows you (Developer or DBA) to load Java code into the database and execute it from a database session. Note that any OS calls that it makes will be from the server process, not the client process. Thus, if the code tries to read or write to a filesystem or to connect to an external website, the call will be executed by the database server process, not your client (sqlplus or any other program).
Here is a simple example :
SQL> -- grant Java Code permission to only READ only /home/oracle/tmp SQL> -- this should have been provided by the DBA SQL> SQL> begin 2 dbms_java.grant_permission('HEMANT', 3 '', 4 '/home/oracle/tmp', 'read'); 5 6 dbms_java.grant_permission( 'HEMANT', 7 '', 8 '/home/oracle/tmp/*', 9 'read' ); 10 11 dbms_java.grant_permission( 'HEMANT', 12 'SYS:java.lang.RuntimePermission', 13 'getFileSystemAttributes', 14 '' ); 15 end; 16 / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> SQL> -- SQL> SQL> -- here is where I load the Java code into my schema SQL> connect hemant/hemant@orclpdb1 Connected. SQL> SQL> -- load the java code into the database SQL> create or replace and compile java source named "readOSDirectory" 2 as 3 /* using */ 4 import*; 5 6 /* create the main class */ 7 public class readOSDirectory 8 { 9 /* create the class to be executed from a procedure */ 10 public static void getList(String directory) 11 { 12 /* use File class from */ 13 File directoryPath = new File( directory ); 14 File filesList[] = directoryPath.listFiles(); 15 16 /* read till end of list */ 17 for (File file : filesList) 18 { 19 System.out.println("File Name: "+file.getName() 20 + " File Size: "+file.length()); 21 } 22 } 23 } 24 / Java created. SQL> SQL> show errors No errors. SQL> SQL> /* create a PL/SQL procedure to call the getList class */ SQL> create or replace 2 procedure Read_Directory( p_directory in varchar2 ) 3 as language java 4 name 'readOSDirectory.getList( java.lang.String )'; 5 / Procedure created. SQL> SQL> /* enable output to screen-- serveroutput is for my sqlplus session */ SQL> SET SERVEROUTPUT ON SIZE 100000 SQL> CALL dbms_java.set_output (100000); Call completed. SQL> SQL> begin 2 Read_Directory('/home/oracle/tmp'); 3 end; 4 / File Name: File_1.txt File Size: 13 File Name: File_2.txt File Size: 25 File Name: Run_Sequence_Loop.sql File Size: 1047 File Name: List_LongOps.sql File Size: 303 File Name: create_db_HEMANT.sql File Size: 1530 File Name: create_db_HEMANT.lst File Size: 47 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> SQL> begin 2 Read_Directory('/home/oracle'); 3 end; 4 / Exception in thread "Root Thread" the Permission ("" "/home/oracle" "read") has not been granted to HEMANT. The PL/SQL to grant this is dbms_java.grant_permission( 'HEMANT', '', '/home/oracle', 'read' ) at at at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission( at oracle.aurora.rdbms.SecurityManagerImpl.checkPermission( at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkRead( at at at readOSDirectory.getList(readOSDirectory:11) begin * ERROR at line 1: ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception: the Permission ("" "/home/oracle" "read") has not been granted to HEMANT. The PL/SQL to grant this is dbms_java.grant_permission( 'HEMANT', '', '/home/oracle', 'read' ) ORA-06512: at "HEMANT.READ_DIRECTORY", line 1 ORA-06512: at line 2 SQL> SQL> !ls -l /home/oracle/tmp total 24 -rw-r--r--. 1 oracle oinstall 47 Apr 25 18:46 create_db_HEMANT.lst -rw-r--r--. 1 oracle oinstall 1530 Apr 25 18:46 create_db_HEMANT.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 oracle oinstall 13 Apr 25 18:07 File_1.txt -rw-r--r--. 1 oracle oinstall 25 Apr 25 18:34 File_2.txt -rw-r--r--. 1 oracle oinstall 303 Apr 25 18:46 List_LongOps.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 oracle oinstall 1047 Apr 25 18:46 Run_Sequence_Loop.sql SQL>
(Note : The Java call reads from the OS's directory object "as is" returned by the directory. The "ls -l" command sorts the output, so you may see a difference in the sorted output)