Revisiting the previous case in a 12.2 PDB ....
(This time, the two sessions by "HEMANT" and "SYSTEM" have the Username as the SQL prompt)
In the previous blog post, I demonstrated how to check space allocation for a GTT. But how does Oracle determine how much space to allocate ?
So, the creation of a GTT does not allocate any space. A GTT definition is a logical definition and does not allocate space unless and until rows are inserted.
Let me insert a row and check the space.
So, that is 1MB (128 blocks of 8KB each) for the initial extent. Why is it so ?
Because, by default, a TEMPORARY TABLESPACE is created with 1MB Uniform Extents.
Can I change this ?
(The previous two SQLs no longer present in the cache but we can see that "54zdzm1mrqpy9" is for the first GTT and "fd8qcczn6avw6" is for the second GTT)
Thus, my existing HEMANT session has two different Temporary Segment usages being reported. That in the TEMP tablespace is 1MB for the 1 row in MY_GTT_2 and that in the SMALL_TEMP tablespace is 64KB for the 1 row in SMALL_GTT.
If I TRUNCATE a GTT (or exit the session) space is released.
Thus you can have
(a) multiple GTTs (with different definitions, e.g. one for SALES data processing and one for HR data processing)
The GTT definitions are visible across all sessions that are in the same USER login or have been granted privileges but the data in one session is *not* visible to another session, even if COMMITTed (unlike normal "Permanent" Tables)
(This time, the two sessions by "HEMANT" and "SYSTEM" have the Username as the SQL prompt)
In the previous blog post, I demonstrated how to check space allocation for a GTT. But how does Oracle determine how much space to allocate ?
HEMANT>create global temporary table my_gtt_2 2 (id_number number, object_name varchar2(128)) 3 on commit preserve rows 4 / Table created. HEMANT> SYSTEM>select sid,serial# from v$session where username = 'HEMANT'; SID SERIAL# ---------- ---------- 300 11923 SYSTEM> SYSTEM>select username, session_num, sql_id, tablespace, contents, segtype, con_id, sql_id_tempseg 2 from v$tempseg_usage 3 / no rows selected SYSTEM>
So, the creation of a GTT does not allocate any space. A GTT definition is a logical definition and does not allocate space unless and until rows are inserted.
Let me insert a row and check the space.
HEMANT>insert into my_gtt_2 values (1, 'First Object'); 1 row created. HEMANT>commit; Commit complete. HEMANT> SYSTEM>select username, session_num, sql_id, tablespace, contents, segtype, con_id, sql_id_tempseg 2 from v$tempseg_usage 3 / USERNAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SESSION_NUM SQL_ID TABLESPACE CONTENTS SEGTYPE CON_ID SQL_ID_TEMPSE ----------- ------------- ------------------------------ --------- --------- ---------- ------------- HEMANT 11923 54zdzm1mrqpy9 TEMP TEMPORARY DATA 6 54zdzm1mrqpy9 SYSTEM> SYSTEM>select sql_id, sql_text 2 from v$sql 3 where sql_id in ('54zdzm1mrqpy9') 4 / SQL_ID ------------- SQL_TEXT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 54zdzm1mrqpy9 insert into my_gtt_2 values (1, 'First Object') SYSTEM> SYSTEM>select extents, blocks, sql_id, sql_id_tempseg 2 from v$tempseg_usage 3 where session_num=11923 4 / EXTENTS BLOCKS SQL_ID SQL_ID_TEMPSE ---------- ---------- ------------- ------------- 1 128 54zdzm1mrqpy9 54zdzm1mrqpy9 SYSTEM>
So, that is 1MB (128 blocks of 8KB each) for the initial extent. Why is it so ?
SYSTEM>select extent_management, allocation_type, initial_extent, next_extent 2 from dba_tablespaces 3 where tablespace_name = 'TEMP' 4 / EXTENT_MAN ALLOCATIO INITIAL_EXTENT NEXT_EXTENT ---------- --------- -------------- ----------- LOCAL UNIFORM 1048576 1048576 SYSTEM>
Because, by default, a TEMPORARY TABLESPACE is created with 1MB Uniform Extents.
Can I change this ?
SYSTEM>create temporary tablespace small_temp 2 tempfile '/usr/tmp/small_temp.dbf' size 100M 3 extent management local uniform size 64K; Tablespace created. SYSTEM>select extent_management, allocation_type, initial_extent, next_extent 2 from dba_tablespaces 3 where tablespace_name = 'SMALL_TEMP' 4 / EXTENT_MAN ALLOCATIO INITIAL_EXTENT NEXT_EXTENT ---------- --------- -------------- ----------- LOCAL UNIFORM 65536 65536 SYSTEM> HEMANT>create global temporary table small_gtt 2 (id_number number, object_name varchar2(128)) 3 on commit preserve rows 4 tablespace small_temp 5 / Table created. HEMANT> SYSTEM>select username, tablespace, blocks, sql_id, sql_id_tempseg 2 from v$tempseg_usage 3 where session_num=11923 4 / USERNAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLESPACE BLOCKS SQL_ID SQL_ID_TEMPSE ------------------------------ ---------- ------------- ------------- HEMANT TEMP 128 fd8qcczn6avw6 54zdzm1mrqpy9 SYSTEM> HEMANT>insert into small_gtt 2 values (1, 'First Object'); 1 row created. HEMANT>commit; Commit complete. HEMANT> SYSTEM>select username, tablespace, blocks, sql_id, sql_id_tempseg 2 from v$tempseg_usage 3 where session_num=11923 4 / USERNAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLESPACE BLOCKS SQL_ID SQL_ID_TEMPSE ------------------------------ ---------- ------------- ------------- HEMANT TEMP 128 2j3pja8qjx1sd 54zdzm1mrqpy9 HEMANT SMALL_TEMP 8 2j3pja8qjx1sd 2j3pja8qjx1sd SYSTEM> SYSTEM>select sql_id, sql_text 2 from v$sql 3 where sql_id in ('54zdzm1mrqpy9','fd8qcczn6avw6','2j3pja8qjx1sd') 4 / SQL_ID ------------- SQL_TEXT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2j3pja8qjx1sd insert into small_gtt values (1, 'First Object') SYSTEM>
(The previous two SQLs no longer present in the cache but we can see that "54zdzm1mrqpy9" is for the first GTT and "fd8qcczn6avw6" is for the second GTT)
Thus, my existing HEMANT session has two different Temporary Segment usages being reported. That in the TEMP tablespace is 1MB for the 1 row in MY_GTT_2 and that in the SMALL_TEMP tablespace is 64KB for the 1 row in SMALL_GTT.
If I TRUNCATE a GTT (or exit the session) space is released.
HEMANT>truncate table my_gtt_2; Table truncated. HEMANT> SYSTEM>select username, tablespace, blocks, sql_id, sql_id_tempseg 2 from v$tempseg_usage 3 where session_num=11923 4 / USERNAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLESPACE BLOCKS SQL_ID SQL_ID_TEMPSE ------------------------------ ---------- ------------- ------------- HEMANT SMALL_TEMP 8 0zwdmqw9fpkjv 2j3pja8qjx1sd SYSTEM>
Thus you can have
(a) multiple GTTs (with different definitions, e.g. one for SALES data processing and one for HR data processing)
The GTT definitions are visible across all sessions that are in the same USER login or have been granted privileges but the data in one session is *not* visible to another session, even if COMMITTed (unlike normal "Permanent" Tables)