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24 July, 2017
10 July, 2017
12c MultiTenant Posts -- 6 : Partial (aka Subset) Cloning of PDB
Note : This is a 12.2 feature.
Normally, if you clone a PDB, you'd get a full copy with all the tablespaces. Now, in 12.2, you can exclude non-essential tablespaces by specifying USER TABLESPACES -- those that you want cloned. (SYSTEM, SYSAUX and Local UNDO will certainly be cloned).
Let me start with the "NEWPDB" PDB (that I've used in previous examples) that has one more schema and tablespace:
Besides, the HEMANT objects in the MYDATA tablespace, I now have HR owning an EMPLOYEES table in the HRDATA tablespace.
Now, I want to clone the NEWPDB tablespace but want to exclude HR data.
First, I set a target location for the datafiles.
Next, I create my Partial (or SubSet) Clone PDB:
I can identify the new PDB "NONHR" as CON_ID=5.
This is a Subset Clone that is a Copy with Data.
Let's create the TNSNAMES.ORA entry for NONHR:
Let's now connect to NONHR and confirm its contents.
So, what has been copied to the NONHR PDB? The HRDATA Tablespace, but not the DataFile. The HR User and Table (definition only, no data), but not the Segment.
However, for the MYDATA Tablespace that was identified as a USER_TABLESPACE in the CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement, the Tablespace, Datafile, User, Table and Segment have all been copied.
Therefore, NONHR does not have the HR data! I can drop the User and Tablespace.
However, HR is still present in NEWPDB where NONHR was cloned from:
So, 12.2 introduces the ability to create a clone PDB database that is a SubSet (i.e. selected User Tablespaces data) of an existing PDB.
(Note : NEWPDB is in /u03 where it was moved from /u02 earlier as a Relocated Database while NONHR is in /u02 where it was created with OMF based on DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST).
Normally, if you clone a PDB, you'd get a full copy with all the tablespaces. Now, in 12.2, you can exclude non-essential tablespaces by specifying USER TABLESPACES -- those that you want cloned. (SYSTEM, SYSAUX and Local UNDO will certainly be cloned).
Let me start with the "NEWPDB" PDB (that I've used in previous examples) that has one more schema and tablespace:
$sqlplus system/oracle@NEWPDB SQL*Plus: Release Production on Mon Jul 10 21:52:55 2017 Copyright (c) 1982, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved. Last Successful login time: Mon Jul 10 2017 11:04:00 +08:00 Connected to: Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production SQL> select tablespace_name from dba_tablespaces order by 1; TABLESPACE_NAME ------------------------------ HRDATA MYDATA SYSAUX SYSTEM TEMP UNDOTBS1 6 rows selected. SQL> col owner format a8 SQL> col segment_name format a30 SQL> col tablespace_name format a8 SQL> select owner, segment_name, tablespace_name 2 from dba_segments 3 where tablespace_name like '%DATA' 4 order by 1,2 5 / OWNER SEGMENT_NAME TABLESPA -------- ------------------------------ -------- HEMANT BIN$UVb24iaCIE/gUwEAAH/WaQ==$0 MYDATA HEMANT BIN$UVb24iaIIE/gUwEAAH/WaQ==$0 MYDATA HEMANT HKC_STORE_FILE MYDATA HEMANT I MYDATA HEMANT OBJ_LIST MYDATA HEMANT SYS_IL0000073525C00003$$ MYDATA HEMANT SYS_IL0000073532C00003$$ MYDATA HEMANT SYS_IL0000073535C00003$$ MYDATA HEMANT SYS_LOB0000073525C00003$$ MYDATA HEMANT SYS_LOB0000073532C00003$$ MYDATA HEMANT SYS_LOB0000073535C00003$$ MYDATA HEMANT T MYDATA HR EMPLOYEES HRDATA 13 rows selected. SQL> SQL> select * from hr.employees; EMPLOYEE_ID FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME ----------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ HIRE_DATE DEPARTMENT_ID SALARY EMAIL_ID --------- ------------- ---------- --------------------------------------------- 1 Hemant Chitale 06-JUL-17 1 15000 hemant@mydomain.com SQL>
Besides, the HEMANT objects in the MYDATA tablespace, I now have HR owning an EMPLOYEES table in the HRDATA tablespace.
Now, I want to clone the NEWPDB tablespace but want to exclude HR data.
First, I set a target location for the datafiles.
$sqlplus '/ as sysdba' SQL*Plus: Release Production on Mon Jul 10 21:57:33 2017 Copyright (c) 1982, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production SQL> show parameter db_create_file NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ db_create_file_dest string SQL> alter session set db_create_file_dest='/u02/oradata'; Session altered. SQL>
Next, I create my Partial (or SubSet) Clone PDB:
SQL> create pluggable database NONHR from NEWPDB user_tablespaces=('MYDATA'); Pluggable database created. SQL> SQL> select con_id, file#, name 2 from v$datafile 3 order by 1,2 4 / CON_ID FILE# ---------- ---------- NAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl12c/system01.dbf 1 3 /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl12c/sysaux01.dbf 1 7 /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl12c/users01.dbf 1 15 /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl12c/undotbs2.dbf 2 5 /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl12c/pdbseed/system01.dbf 2 6 /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl12c/pdbseed/sysaux01.dbf 2 8 /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl12c/pdbseed/undotbs01.dbf 3 9 /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl12c/orcl/system01.dbf 3 10 /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl12c/orcl/sysaux01.dbf 3 11 /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl12c/orcl/undotbs01.dbf 3 12 /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl12c/orcl/users01.dbf 3 13 /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl12c/orcl/APEX_1991375173370654.dbf 3 14 /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl12c/orcl/APEX_1993195660370985.dbf 4 16 /u03/oradata/NEWPDB/data_D-ORCL12C_I-768045447_TS-SYSTEM_FNO-16_0as7a8di 4 17 /u03/oradata/NEWPDB/data_D-ORCL12C_I-768045447_TS-SYSAUX_FNO-17_09s7a8d2 4 18 /u03/oradata/NEWPDB/data_D-ORCL12C_I-768045447_TS-UNDOTBS1_FNO-18_0bs7a8e1 4 19 /u03/oradata/NEWPDB/data_D-ORCL12C_I-768045447_TS-MYDATA_FNO-19_0cs7a8e4 4 20 /u03/oradata/NEWPDB/data_D-ORCL12C_I-768045447_TS-HRDATA_FNO-20_0ds7a8e5 5 21 /u02/oradata/ORCL12C/53F8012866211264E0530100007FD493/datafile/o1_mf_system_dp72 3vp5_.dbf 5 22 /u02/oradata/ORCL12C/53F8012866211264E0530100007FD493/datafile/o1_mf_sysaux_dp72 3vsz_.dbf 5 23 /u02/oradata/ORCL12C/53F8012866211264E0530100007FD493/datafile/o1_mf_undotbs1_dp 723vt1_.dbf 5 24 /u02/oradata/ORCL12C/53F8012866211264E0530100007FD493/datafile/o1_mf_mydata_dp72 3vt3_.dbf 22 rows selected. SQL> SQL> select con_id, name, open_mode 2 from v$pdbs 3 order by 1 4 / CON_ID ---------- NAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OPEN_MODE ---------- 2 PDB$SEED READ ONLY 3 ORCL READ WRITE 4 NEWPDB READ WRITE 5 NONHR MOUNTED SQL> SQL> alter pluggable database nonhr open; Pluggable database altered. SQL>
I can identify the new PDB "NONHR" as CON_ID=5.
This is a Subset Clone that is a Copy with Data.
Let's create the TNSNAMES.ORA entry for NONHR:
Let's now connect to NONHR and confirm its contents.
SQL> connect system/oracle@NONHR Connected. SQL> show con_id CON_ID ------------------------------ 5 SQL> show con_name CON_NAME ------------------------------ NONHR SQL> select tablespace_name 2 from dba_tablespaces 3 order by 1 4 / TABLESPACE_NAME ------------------------------ HRDATA MYDATA SYSAUX SYSTEM TEMP UNDOTBS1 6 rows selected. SQL> select file_name from dba_data_files 2 where tablespace_name = 'HRDATA' 3 / no rows selected SQL> select owner, segment_name, segment_type 2 from dba_segments 3 where tablespace_name = 'HRDATA' 4 / no rows selected SQL> SQL> select tablespace_name, file_name 2 from dba_data_files 3 order by 1 4 / TABLESPACE_NAME ------------------------------ FILE_NAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MYDATA /u02/oradata/ORCL12C/53F8012866211264E0530100007FD493/datafile/o1_mf_mydata_dp72 3vt3_.dbf SYSAUX /u02/oradata/ORCL12C/53F8012866211264E0530100007FD493/datafile/o1_mf_sysaux_dp72 3vsz_.dbf SYSTEM /u02/oradata/ORCL12C/53F8012866211264E0530100007FD493/datafile/o1_mf_system_dp72 3vp5_.dbf UNDOTBS1 /u02/oradata/ORCL12C/53F8012866211264E0530100007FD493/datafile/o1_mf_undotbs1_dp 723vt1_.dbf SQL> SQL> select segment_name, segment_type 2 from dba_segments 3 where owner = 'HR' 4 / no rows selected SQL> select username 2 from dba_users 3 where username = 'HR' 4 / USERNAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HR SQL> SQL> select object_name, object_type 2 from dba_objects 3 where owner = 'HR' 4 / OBJECT_NAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OBJECT_TYPE ----------------------- EMPLOYEES TABLE SQL> SQL> select owner, segment_name 2 from dba_segments 3 where tablespace_name = 'MYDATA' 4 / OWNER SEGMENT_NAME -------- ------------------------------ HEMANT BIN$UVb24iaCIE/gUwEAAH/WaQ==$0 HEMANT BIN$UVb24iaIIE/gUwEAAH/WaQ==$0 HEMANT HKC_STORE_FILE HEMANT I HEMANT OBJ_LIST HEMANT SYS_IL0000073525C00003$$ HEMANT SYS_IL0000073532C00003$$ HEMANT SYS_IL0000073535C00003$$ HEMANT SYS_LOB0000073525C00003$$ HEMANT SYS_LOB0000073532C00003$$ HEMANT SYS_LOB0000073535C00003$$ HEMANT T 12 rows selected. SQL> SQL> select count(*) from hemant.obj_list; COUNT(*) ---------- 145282 SQL>
So, what has been copied to the NONHR PDB? The HRDATA Tablespace, but not the DataFile. The HR User and Table (definition only, no data), but not the Segment.
However, for the MYDATA Tablespace that was identified as a USER_TABLESPACE in the CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement, the Tablespace, Datafile, User, Table and Segment have all been copied.
Therefore, NONHR does not have the HR data! I can drop the User and Tablespace.
SQL> drop tablespace hrdata including contents; Tablespace dropped. SQL> drop user hr; User dropped. SQL>
However, HR is still present in NEWPDB where NONHR was cloned from:
SQL> connect system/oracle@NEWPDB Connected. SQL> select owner, segment_name 2 from dba_segments 3 where tablespace_name = 'HRDATA' 4 / OWNER SEGMENT_NAME -------- ------------------------------ HR EMPLOYEES SQL> select * from hr.employees; EMPLOYEE_ID FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME ----------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ HIRE_DATE DEPARTMENT_ID SALARY EMAIL_ID --------- ------------- ---------- --------------------------------------------- 1 Hemant Chitale 06-JUL-17 1 15000 hemant@mydomain.com SQL> show con_id CON_ID ------------------------------ 4 SQL> show con_name CON_NAME ------------------------------ NEWPDB SQL> SQL> select tablespace_name, file_name 2 from dba_data_files 3 order by 1 4 / TABLESPACE_NAME ------------------------------ FILE_NAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRDATA /u03/oradata/NEWPDB/data_D-ORCL12C_I-768045447_TS-HRDATA_FNO-20_0ds7a8e5 MYDATA /u03/oradata/NEWPDB/data_D-ORCL12C_I-768045447_TS-MYDATA_FNO-19_0cs7a8e4 SYSAUX /u03/oradata/NEWPDB/data_D-ORCL12C_I-768045447_TS-SYSAUX_FNO-17_09s7a8d2 SYSTEM /u03/oradata/NEWPDB/data_D-ORCL12C_I-768045447_TS-SYSTEM_FNO-16_0as7a8di UNDOTBS1 /u03/oradata/NEWPDB/data_D-ORCL12C_I-768045447_TS-UNDOTBS1_FNO-18_0bs7a8e1 SQL>
So, 12.2 introduces the ability to create a clone PDB database that is a SubSet (i.e. selected User Tablespaces data) of an existing PDB.
(Note : NEWPDB is in /u03 where it was moved from /u02 earlier as a Relocated Database while NONHR is in /u02 where it was created with OMF based on DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST).
08 July, 2017
02 July, 2017
12c MultiTenant Posts -- 5 : Flashback a PDB
12.2 allows FLASHBACK DATABASE for a Pluggable Database.
Note that ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK ON is not enabled by default in a newly created database -- you must issue this command at the CDB level to enable Flashback for all the Pluggable Databases.
Now, let me Flashback the PDB.
Let me test the data.
Yes, the FLASHBACK DATABASE is successful.
What are the pre-requisites ?
3. LOCAL UNDO enabled -- highly recommended else a subsequent Point In Time Recovery of the CDB may prevent OPENing the PDB
Note that ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK ON is not enabled by default in a newly created database -- you must issue this command at the CDB level to enable Flashback for all the Pluggable Databases.
SQL> connect hemant/hemant@NEWPDB Connected. SQL> select table_name from user_tables; TABLE_NAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OBJ_LIST HKC_STORE_FILE T SQL> select count(*) from obj_list; COUNT(*) ---------- 145282 SQL> select count(*) from hkc_store_file; COUNT(*) ---------- 1 SQL> truncate table obj_list; Table truncated. SQL> drop table hkc_store_file; Table dropped. SQL>
Now, let me Flashback the PDB.
SQL> connect / as sysdba Connected. SQL> alter pluggable database newpdb close; Pluggable database altered. SQL> flashback pluggable database newpdb to timestamp sysdate-3/1440; Flashback complete. SQL> alter pluggable database newpdb open; alter pluggable database newpdb open * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01113: file 19 needs media recovery ORA-01110: data file 19: '/u03/oradata/NEWPDB/data_D-ORCL12C_I-768045447_TS-MYDATA_FNO-19_0cs7a8e4' SQL> alter pluggable database newpdb open resetlogs; Pluggable database altered. SQL>
Let me test the data.
SQL> connect hemant/hemant@NEWPDB Connected. SQL> select count(*) from obj_list; COUNT(*) ---------- 145282 SQL> select count(*) from hkc_store_file; COUNT(*) ---------- 1 SQL>
Yes, the FLASHBACK DATABASE is successful.
What are the pre-requisites ?
3. LOCAL UNDO enabled -- highly recommended else a subsequent Point In Time Recovery of the CDB may prevent OPENing the PDB
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