As promised earlier, here is a simple demonstration of a Function that gets executed when a View is queried and does it's own DML. (Note : I have to use "pragma autonomous_transaction" for the DML).
The code :
The code :
SQL> drop table emp_view_log; Table dropped. SQL> drop table employees; Table dropped. SQL> SQL> create table employees as select * from hr.employees; Table created. SQL> SQL> create table emp_view_log 2 (log_dt_tm date, 3 session_id number, 4 session_user varchar2(30) 5 ) 6 / Table created. SQL> SQL> create or replace function log_emp_view_fn 2 return number 3 as 4 pragma autonomous_transaction; 5 begin 6 insert into emp_view_log 7 select sysdate, sys_context('USERENV','SID'), user from dual; 8 commit; 9 return null; 10 end; 11 / Function created. SQL> SQL> create or replace view emp_view 2 as select employee_id, first_name, last_name, log_emp_view_fn 3 from employees 4 / View created. SQL>What I have done is that I have created a table emp_view_log to log all executions of queries against the employees table. I have then created a function log_emp_view_fn to do the actual inserts into this log table. The view emp_view is then "published" to users.
Users are presented a view that hides the SALARY column from the employees table. Yet, when they query this view, for every row they query, the log table captures the occurrence.
(Question : Why does the log table capture one row for every row queried from the view ?)
Let's see what happens when I query the emp_view view :
SQL> select * from emp_view where last_name = 'KING'; no rows selected SQL> select * from emp_view_log; no rows selected SQL> select * from emp_view where last_name = 'Abel'; EMPLOYEE_ID FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME LOG_EMP_VIEW_FN ----------- -------------------- ------------------------- --------------- 174 Ellen Abel SQL> select to_char(log_dt_tm,'DD-MON-RR HH24:MI:SS'), session_id, session_user 2 from emp_view_log; TO_CHAR(LOG_DT_TM,'DD-MON-R SESSION_ID SESSION_USER --------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ 29-JUN-13 08:11:28 37 HEMANT SQL> SQL> SQL> rem wait a while ... SQL> select * from emp_view where employee_id between 100 and 102; EMPLOYEE_ID FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME LOG_EMP_VIEW_FN ----------- -------------------- ------------------------- --------------- 100 Steven King 101 Neena Kochhar 102 Lex De Haan SQL> select to_char(log_dt_tm,'DD-MON-RR HH24:MI:SS'), session_id, session_user 2 from emp_view_log 3 order by log_dt_tm; TO_CHAR(LOG_DT_TM,'DD-MON-R SESSION_ID SESSION_USER --------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ 29-JUN-13 08:11:28 37 HEMANT 29-JUN-13 08:12:57 37 HEMANT 29-JUN-13 08:12:57 37 HEMANT 29-JUN-13 08:12:57 37 HEMANT SQL>The first query for employee 'KING' (instead of 'King') returned no rows so no rows were logged in the emp_view_log.
The third query was for 3 rows from the emp_view view. So, emp_view_log created three entries.